Both are of golden color, Knuffiger shape and sweet in taste, but green the gummy bears from Haribo and the Chocolate bears located are of not Lindt. There can be only one, says Haribo, and called at the hearing before the Federal Court (BGH) in Karlsruhe that the Swiss chocolate maker Lindt Teddy had to disappear because of exploitation of reputation. The dispute is about five million euros in damages.
At the heart of the dispute, the Supreme Court, however, stands in front of juridical territory. He must decide whether a palpable product like the Lindt Teddy could violate the rights to a trademarked word “golden bear” of Haribo. Yes, said the Landgericht Köln: The Lindt Bear was the materialized wordmark Haribos:. Of similar shape and wrapped in gold foil, a Goldbear just
No, on the other hand said the Higher Regional Court of Cologne: form, golden and red ribbon packaging of chocolate hollow figure would be more likely to think of the “agouti” Lindt consumers than to colorful gummy bears. In addition, reference is made to the chocolate bear belly nor the term “Lindt Teddy” printed.
Whether the Supreme Court, this also thus looks and two bears grants coexist on the shelves of trade, remained open at the hearing. But Lindt may hope a little: The presiding judge Wolfgang Büscher pointed to the problem of demarcation in abstract word marks against figurative marks or even products. So the drawn as cartoon character Haribo Bear is easy to delineate on the bags of sweets from the presentation of the Lindt Bear. “But how many gold-colored bears can kill a ‘Golden Bear’?” Büscher asked overlooking Haribos abstract word mark, and the numerous bear figures in the confectionery trade.
A date for the sentencing hearing was initially not yet been fixed.
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