Rising wages will according to a study in the next few years to increase social inequality in Germany. Disadvantaged are low income, social professions, service providers and families, told the Bertelsmann Foundation. Beneficiaries were workers in the industry.
According to the investigation are expected salary increases, the average disposable annual income of an employee by 2020 compared to 2012 adjusted for inflation by 2 200 euros drive up. Would benefit workers differently. So will the income of employees whose income is in the top fifth, increase by 5 300 euros on average. The bottom 20 percent, however could expect more with only 750 euros. The researchers estimate that the demographic change favors higher wage settlements. Most likely this is to happen where productivity At length the strongest – as in the manufacturing sector, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry
According to the study families and single parents will be particularly disadvantaged.. One of the reasons is that single parents are often employed in retail and health and social services, where wages grow more slowly. Aart De Geus, head of the Foundation, expressed concern. Germany must be internationally competitive. “But at the same time may not all income groups are suspended.”
Rising wages were last at least ensured that approach the price of one working hour between Germany and France. So the agreed monthly earnings in 2014, according to the Federal Statistical Office in Germany significantly more increased without special payments with an average increase of 2.9 percent than in the western neighboring country (+1.4 percent). One working hour cost in France 35,20 euros gross, in this country 31,80 euro

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