The message from Athens came in Bavaria on blatant rejection. “Today I told the Chancellor that we should end this circus quickly,” said CSU leader Horst Seehofer on Saturday at the CSU party conference in the district of Upper Bavaria. The offer of the creditors had already “maximum generosity.”
Seehofer responded to the announcement by the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, submitted to the Greek people to vote, the most recent offer of creditors. Tsipras had surprisingly declared in the night, to call a referendum for July 5.In Brussels the announcement from Athens saw also for anger. “The planned referendum has made everything more complicated,” said an EU diplomat on Saturday. “This is again a Volte the Greek Government to bring everything up.” The schedule is no longer observed. “I think that now needs to be talked about a plan B,” the diplomat said. So usually a bust or a euro exit of Greece is circumscribed.
The current utility of Europeans for Greece is already on 30 June. Then Athens also needs 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay back.
Tsipras announced to apply for “a small extension” of the current aid program. EU diplomats doubt that the euro zone finance ministers join there. Advise you in Brussels in the afternoon. The ministers want to agree with the Greek government on a reform and austerity. This is prerequisite for Greece so far gets blocked multibillion dollar aid.
Sigmar Gabriel advises to support Tsipras
In Germany, came forward the first politicians already early in the morning to speak. To quarter past seven tweeted the CDU MP Kai Whittaker: “Can you bear the news actually better with ouzo?” A few hours later he adds: “So if you can stomp a referendum from the soil in 8 days, then why not tax administration in 5 years?”
There were politicians from the left spectrum who understand Athens promoted – especially Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. In Germany radio he spoke in favor of the citizens’ consultation a referendum and advised the European leaders to support Tsipras. “I think we would be well advised now not simply set aside to take this proposal from Mr Tsipras and to say this is a trick,” said the head of the SPD. “If the questions are clear, namely, if we are certain that will be voted on a negotiated program, can make sense.”
The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz (SPD) has the Greek referendum welcomed. However, he criticized Alexis Tsipras sharp for his words: “The far-reaching offers, in particular Jean-Claude Juncker has prevailed to designate as a humiliation, rational no longer comprehensible and most explainable as bare ideology,” Schulz told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung “. He was referring to the televised speech, announced the referendum on the night of Tsipras.
“We should not interfere”
The left-chairperson Katja Kipping and Bernd Riexinger also strengthened Tsipras back. “Beware EU elites, so goes democracy”, they declare together in one message. Even the SPD MEP Udo Bullmann place: “Of course, the Greek people have a right to decide on with the agreement but on the way up here a lot of mistakes have been made on both sides..”
Sven Giegold, Green Party member of the European Parliament, said: “We respect the decision of the Greek government to hold a referendum and to give citizens the power of decision.” The Greek people have now to make the “tough choice between the insolvency of their state and a new package pro-cyclical austerity measures”. “We should in this difficult choice not interfere.”
The head of the German Institute for Economic Research, Marcel Fratzscher had announced on Twitter that he considers the Greek referendum – referred to herein using the hashtag #Greferendum – was correct: “Tsipras needs legitimacy for new course per Euro! vote should silence also German Euro-critics. “
referendum in Greece
Alexis Tsipras wants to vote in a referendum on the claims of creditors, the Greeks. What do you think of this idea?

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