Brussels / Athens / Berlin (dpa) – Diplomatic ping pong at the last minute: After Athens announcement, not to pay the due today IMF rate, Brussels is taking a new recent mediation attempt.
If the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras yet on Tuesday accepting the offer of donors for an austerity package and advertising “Yes” in the referendum on Sunday for a, the path for a further euro zone finance ministers meeting could be leveled , BelTA learned from EU circles. Whether Tsipras accepts this offer, initially remained open. He had indirectly linked only at Montagbend on Greek television his political future on a “no” of the Greeks on the referendum.
Tonight runs the international aid program for the country. Without agreement on a reform package flow EUR 15.5 billion aid not that the donors – had recently been promised – International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the European partners. One of the consequences is the loss of tax due for that day actually repayment of 1.54 billion euros to the IMF. Tsipras had already announced not to pay the IMF debt in time.
Tsipras said on Monday evening, when at the referendum on July 5, a “yes” come out, “I’m not for all times Prime Minister”. From Brussels it said on Tuesday, Tsipras had his assurance to the austerity package to the President of the European Commission and the Euro Group, Jean-Claude Juncker and Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and sent to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande. It remained unclear how such could be a compromise at the last minute to look with Athens. Even if the euro group should approve an extension before midnight, parliaments could in several euro countries – including the German Bundestag – do not agree in time
Tsipras announced surprisingly a referendum on the reform proposals of the creditors of Greece at the weekend and. Euro partners so offended. Then failed on Saturday negotiations of euro zone finance ministers with Athens. That was the discussion of a “Grexit” – that is, a withdrawal of the country from the euro – animated
ECB director Benoît Coeuré considers such a step now possible.. “The exit of Greece from the euro zone, which was a theoretical subject until now, unfortunately, can not be ruled out”, the Board Member of the European Central Bank said in an interview of the Paris business newspaper “Les Echos” (Tuesday). This is the result of the decision of the Greek government to end the discussions with creditors and hold a referendum.
A withdrawal or expulsion from the euro is not so far provided law. The Maastricht Treaty of 1993 emphasizes the “irreversibility” of economic and monetary union. The EU leaders and the federal government have repeatedly expressed a willingness to keep Athens in the euro zone. Greece Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis will if necessary fight with legal action about staying in the euro area
The rating agency Standard & amp. Poor’s (S & P) lowered due to the announced referendum the country’s credit by one notch to “CCC”. This sees S & P now a high probability of a payment the case of Greece. The agency Fitch downgraded four financial institutions in the country down due to introduced capital controls. Fitch evaluates the impact on the creditworthiness of the Institute as a partial default (“Restricted Default / RD”). Affected are the National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, the Euro Ergasias and Alpha Bank
Statement Euro Group -. English
Explanation Euro Group
ECB announcement
Time series key ECB interest rates
ECB bonds SMP program
Annual Results National Bank of Greece
agreement between EFSF and Greece
Eingangsstatment Draghi ECB press conference on 03/06/2015
ECB-buying programs
Notification ECB to Greek bonds from 2.4.2015
ECB to volume of Greek bonds the end of 2014.
ECB haircuts for Greek bonds again
ECB haircuts for Greek bonds old
Information about emergency liquidity assistance (ELA )
S & P to Greece rating
S & amp; P Greece rating 10/06/2015
speech Weidmann 06.25.2015
Communication from the Commission text document
European Commission with list of prior actions
Here’s how Gabriel to last funders offer
Message Fitch
Daily Telegraph

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