Talks between Greece and the institutions go again into overtime. At an emergency meeting on the night of Thursday, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and leading figures from the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund could not agree on a reform and austerity package.
In order for a for days continuing stalemate continues. Already since Monday to negotiate the details of such institutions over the catalog, which is to pave the way for the payment of outstanding loans billion. Since Monday, the euro zone finance ministers traveled to Brussels twice in the hope to conclude the talks. Both times, however, they had to leave again, because it did not make the negotiators to reconcile their differences.
Who pays actually the high travel costs?
where time is pressing. Should not Greece with some donors, it runs the risk of sovereign default. End of the month, a bailout for the country runs out. In addition, a rate of 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund is due. However, the Greek Government does not seem to have the money.
The resentment among the finance ministers of the euro zone is already large. In diplomatic circles it is said that many ministers were upset on Wednesday night that she went for a meeting of less than an hour to Brussels. Some had been the question applied, who will pay because actually for the high travel expenses.
After the ministers ended their meeting on Wednesday evening after an hour, they had more talks between the Greek government and the institutions entrusted with the negotiations called for. The finance ministers adjourned to Thursday, 13 clock, and then discuss the results.
“Unfortunately,” no agreement achieved
Whether you will be a quorate paper this time, but is completely open. From 23 clock and 1.30 clock Although Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, ECB President Mario Draghi, IMF Director Christine Lagarde and the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem and the head of the ESM – bailout fund Klaus Regling at the headquarters of the European Commission
Her breakthrough but did not manage. “Unfortunate, we have achieved no agreement,” said Dijsselbloem at night, “but we are determined to continue working.” The Greek Government, however, little hope. They insist further on the positions they said.
On Thursday morning, the negotiations should be continued. Officials are already meet at 6 clock. At 9 clock to then the political leaders get together.
Greece money could come from central bank profits get
It seems the negotiators to discuss an offer that would meet Greece. The Bloomberg news agency reported, citing several sources, that is considered Greece to pay out up to 3.35 billion euros. The money comes from the profits earned by the Euro-banks with Greek government bonds. It can be released with the consent of the Minister of Finance – but such a move would be controversial in their district
Much suggests that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tried that. decision to relocate to the level of heads of state. Who had gathered at a special summit in Brussels on Monday and called for an agreement by Wednesday evening.
demand for a debt restructuring is expected
On Thursday they will again meet at a regular European Council, in which actually issues such as migration policy, the deepening of economic and monetary union as well as dealing with the British referendum on the fate of the European Union on the agenda.
If this does not agree on a deal, the euro zone finance ministers, it is expected that the 19 Heads of State and Government of the euro-zone at Thursday night will deal with Greece. Tsipras should then probably put forward the demand for a debt restructuring – a discussion that so far, however, rejected the leaders
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