- The meeting of euro zone finance ministers ends without concrete results. However, it should be further discussed in this week on the basis of new proposals from Greece.
- Tsipras had made new concrete savings proposals shortly before the start of the crisis summit.
- came for the euro zone finance ministers this but obviously too short, a serious examination was no longer possible.
- In the evening, now the leaders of the euro-area countries meet for crisis summit. In advance dampened Chancellor Merkel expectations for the meeting.
In the debt dispute with Greece the euro countries have not yet reached agreement on the basis of new proposals from Athens. The Euro Group will therefore come together, if possible during the week again said the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem after the end of a meeting of euro zone finance ministers in Brussels. The new proposals from Athens had been welcomed, the international creditors of Greece have but can no comprehensive assessment yet been approved. However, the proposals were a “possibility” of an agreement later this week, Dijsselbloem said. The threatened bankruptcy country had submitted new proposals until the night on Monday to reach a compromise with its creditors to achieve and so to come to much-needed new loans. The finance ministers examined this in preparation for a special summit of heads of state and government of the euro countries on Monday evening. View Among other things, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) had made it clear that a “serious” examination of the proposals Athens in such a short time is not possible. In addition, he missed robust offers from Athens. “We have so far received no substantive proposals,” Schaeuble said before the crisis meeting with his colleagues of the Euro zone. He made it clear that the euro zone finance ministers therefore could provide “no adequate preparation” for their Greece-peak evening the leaders. Angela Merkel has expressed the EU’s special summit. He will bring probably not a result of Chancellor believes. Your remarks verbatim. The crisis summit of Heads of State and Government is also without an agreement of euro zone finance ministers held, the start is scheduled for 19 clock. But also for this meeting, the chances of success are low. German Chancellor Angela Merkel dampened in the afternoon the expectation of a speedy resolution of the Greek debt dispute. But there remained a few days time, Merkel said. At noon, it was announced that the European Central Bank supports the Greek banks once more. They have increased the scope for emergency loans, known as ELA-aids in the morning, BelTA learned from banking circles in Athens. An exact amount was not disclosed. Last week, the central bank had raised the aids twice now well over 80 billion euros. The ECB wants to prevent the emergency aid that the Greek banks go bankrupt, because currently are loans whose main means of financing , Would stop the aid, the central bank, the Institute had problems to pay money. The population would then probably try to come at the last minute on their money, there would be a “bank run”. Which has already begun in part: in the past week alone, attracted Greek citizens billions of euros from their accounts from. They fear that soon capital controls are introduced. Then the Greeks can only limited withdraw money Before the EU summit on the Greek crisis on Monday the Athenian Treasury Yanis Varoufakis has appealed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to make a decision on how to proceed. He was ready to further compromises, should the Chancellor in Brussels send a clear signal. How should Merkel react? Actually, the emergency loans only permitted if the banks really are solvent but temporarily have a problem. Whether this is the case with Greek banks, because even doubt several central bankers on the top body of the ECB. They believe that the central bank had the tools already have to stop In nine days threatens Greece of bankruptcy -. If the country does not fast with its donors agree. Greek media said the proposed Tsipras measures in the coming year and a half to bring in five billion euros. These points include: The majority of Greeks do not want their prime minister Alexis Tsipras buckles in Brussels. Even if an agreement is not possible then. Many have nothing to lose – except their pride.
Finance meeting ends without decision
Schäuble missing “substantial proposals”
EU special summit on Greece Angela Merkel behavior only optimistic
Why Greek banks again receive emergency aid
Your Forum EU crisis summit on Monday: If the Chancellor on Greece going?
What Tsipras said to have offered the creditors
Support for Tsipras In Greece Despite
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