German Chancellor Angela Merkel met on the edge of the EU summit with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and French President Francois Hollande for an interview. Here, Tsipras complained, according to his government about the tough stance of the donors in the debt dispute.
The creditor institutions from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission have agreed on a reform paper, over which they do not want to always negotiate. The Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis was gone, however, with its own proposal of the Athens government in the meeting.The Euro finance ministers are unable to agree on the conditions for the disbursement of 7.2 billion euros to Greece on Thursday. This puts the leaders currently no suggestion that they might approve.
The time is running out: Will Greece but pay on Tuesday a rate of around 1.55 billion euros to the IMF on time, the finance ministers have to agree on Saturday. That made Merkel early Friday morning after the EU summit clearly. The negotiations were very technical, added the Chancellor – and made it clear that she and the other leaders will no longer deal with the details
For atmospheric issues apparently this is not true.. Tsipras had Hollande and Merkel again briefed on the Greek proposal, said a representative of the Athens government. Moreover Tsipras had “emphasized that the Greek side does not understand why the institutions insist on such tough measures”. Merkel and Hollande would turn Tsipras made clear that the meeting of the Euro Group will be crucial on Saturday, Reuters reported, citing insiders.
“Tomorrow has done it really”
Also, a French government representative then spoke of it was not handled, it had instead been an political debate. “You have talked about what is needed today and tomorrow for the reform program, the extension of the program and funding issues.” The differences between the two sides are not very big. It was agreed that on Saturday there were currently no need for another euro zone summit because of the meeting of the euro finance ministers.
The confirmed while some euro zone finance ministers. “Tomorrow has done it really,” said the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem. Then, when lying is not a good reform package on the table, “it’s too late,” said the Dutch Finance Minister.Prior to his Slovak counterpart Peter Kazimir had said he expected that the Euro Group will negotiate until Sunday into it. Then it will either be an agreement – or the Euro Group will have to deal with the technical details of the bankruptcy of a Euro State
A spokesman for German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) said the creditors had Greece a. made “extremely generous offer”: “The Greek side has to move this last piece.” He hoped that the meeting of the euro finance ministers will be successful, the spokesman said, but “we proceed as always with realistic expectations in this meeting.”

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