Greece is considering finance Janis Varoufakis According to the introduction of capital controls and a closure of the banks on Monday. That said the politician on Sunday the BBC.
The “Bild” newspaper said the Greek finance minister, that he in the EU and especially Chancellor Angela Merkel solution of the Greek crisis in the duty provides: ‘The EU leaders must take action and of them keeps them as the representative of the most important country to key in hand I hope she uses it… ”
He stressed Athens was open to a new offer to its creditors, which then in the referendum voted by Parliament on Sunday (5.7.) Put to the vote could be. His government could take back in the case of new proposals of their negative attitude to the existing claims of creditors again: “Then we can change our recommendation at any time and suggest the electorate to vote for them.” But Greece itself would not present a new offer.
The government in Athens is expecting another emergency loans the European Central Bank for the Greek banks when the bailout program for Greece two days expires. “We expect that the financing of the Greek banks will continue normally on Ela loans after Tuesday,” Deputy Finance Minister Nadia Valavani said on Sunday the television channel Mega.
Greece threatens national bankruptcy, because the country has to transfer 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday and the negotiations on the payment of 7.2 billion euros from the bailout program have failed.
Given attract more and more Greeks money from their accounts. In order for the Greek banks remain solvent, they granted the ECB called Ela-loans as an emergency. But is under pressure to stop the emergency loans, since this money would be at risk in the event of a sovereign default. The ECB wanted on Sunday to decide on how to proceed.
Should the ECB stop the emergency loans, Greece would go from the cash and the economic cycle would collapse. The clammy government would be forced to bring a new currency into circulation -. And so would practically take the exit from the euro
That night was the Greek Parliament the go-ahead for a referendum on the reform proposals of the international donors. After nearly 13 hours of debate, voted 178 deputies for and 120 against the referendum. “The referendum will take place next Sunday, if the partners want to or not,” said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Creditors would want to humiliate Greece.
In surveys that have been collected prior to the announcement of the referendum, a majority of Greeks said to remain in the euro zone and an agreement made with the creditors. In a survey for the Sunday newspaper “Proto Thema”, it was 57 percent, in a poll for the newspaper “To Vima”, 47.2 percent.
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