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Greece controls after a dramatic turn and failed negotiations on further financial aid to a government default. The euro zone finance ministers rejected on Saturday at a crisis meeting in Brussels demands the government in Athens after re-extension of the aid program on June 30, also from. But Athens is to remain in the euro zone.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tispras reiterated in Athens, despite the escalation and sharp criticism of Euro-partners go through with the referendum on the austerity and reform package. Greece will survive, regardless of the decision of the Euro Group to extend the existing aid program or not, Tsipras said aloud Greek government circles.
Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem said after a crisis meeting. “Given the situation, we must regretfully conclude that the program runs Tuesday night.” Thus standing by aid from the Europeans and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Athens would fall by a total of more than 18 billion euros. The end of June to repay IMF loans Athens. About consequences the other 18 euro zone finance ministers discussed again in non-Greek department chief Janis Varoufakis.
The key now will be how the European Central Bank (ECB) responded. According to EU diplomats, the ECB will still advise you on Sunday. The ECB supports Greek banks have been using emergency loans to prevent a collapse of the banking sector, because the Greeks billion grant from the accounts. The ECB has to decide whether to continue to support Greek banks. Rotates the money tap finally, the situation
getting worse again. According to the Euro Group, the end of the program will force the government in Athens to emergency measures. According Dijsselbloem there should be technical assistance from donors institutions in order to secure the stability of the Greek financial system.
reported from negotiating circles, in the Euro group is over Transient Bank closures have been spoken (“Bank Holiday”) and capital controls in Greece. Capital controls that will prevent further cash outflow can only be decided by Greece. It would be difficult to open the banks on Monday, a diplomat said.
Immediately after the referendum announcement formed in front of the ATMs in Greece long queues. Some ATMs were empty because of the rush, eyewitnesses
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said. “We are absolutely clear that we will do everything possible to each combat imaginable contagion. ” The euro zone was but become stable in the past five years. Schäuble reiterated how his colleagues that Greece remains a member of the euro zone and part of the EU.
Greece steer now to acute difficulty. It will be difficult for Athens to fulfill obligations. Already on Saturday deposits were withdrawn in an exceptionally high level of Greek banks. “The disappointment is very big. This is not a good day”, Schäuble said. The federal government had in the question a united stance, is the position closely coordinated with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).
The euro countries were of an announcement been surprised by Tsipras, the positioning on a range referendum for July 5 about the austerity measures. Schaeuble had declared before the crisis meeting, so there was no longer any basis for further negotiations. Dijsselbloem said the Greek decision for a referendum have “the door to further talks” with Athens closed. This is a very sad situation for Greece. Athens had refused the last proposal of the EU Commission, ECB and IMF.
wide open is the question of a referendum, because the ministers could agree on no program , Finance Varoufakis reiterated in Brussels, that the referendum would take place: “If the Greek people requires us to sign on the dotted line, we will do that.”
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