Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras travels already this Wednesday surprising to Brussels. According to government sources in Athens he will meet there again with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. At the new discussions on the Greek bailout on sidelines of a meeting of euro zone finance ministers to the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, and the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, to participate.
On Wednesday evening meet in Brussels, the finance ministers of the euro zone to a possibly decisive special meeting together. The aim is to put the finishing touches on a compromise proposal prepared by experts of the Greek creditors and the government in Athens. This should enable the further financial support of the risk of bankruptcy state, provided that the Greek Government appeals sufficient demanded reforms.
achieves a breakthrough, an agreement could be approved on Thursday by the leaders of the monetary union at the regular EU summit. The talks fail, until the expiry of the Greek aid program in late June hardly any time left to save the country even before the bankruptcy.
Criticism of the Union
Before further aid for Greece, however, have to agree, including the Greek and the German even several parliaments. Several Members of the left wing of the Greek government party Syriza declared already that they do not agree to the new wollen.Teile austerity program of the opposition could, however, vote in favor of the measures. Perhaps the vote takes place this weekend.
In Germany hold several Union politicians now impossible, in time to adopt an extension of the current aid package. “The fact that we decide something on Monday or Tuesday, I do not consider feasible,” the CDU financial expert Olav Gutting said the “Bild” newspaper. “We have on several occasions pointed out that we are not prepared to decide on something within the shortest possible time”, Gutting added.
The CSU chairman of the Finance Committee, Hans Michelbach criticized in the “image”, the Greek government had left in the negotiations with the creditors too much time. “In order to flow any more money,” Michelbach said. The Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, Gunther Krichbaum (CDU), does not expect a timely Bundestag vote on an extension of the second auxiliary program.
Conditions for voting
The Deputy Union faction leader Michael Fuchs (CDU) tied a possible vote on the extension to multiple reports. In Berlin would have four documents are available, Fuchs said. Necessary be a decent application for extension of Greece and an agreement between Greece and the three creditor institutions on the implementation of the required Reformen.Fuchs also requested a document that proves the debt sustainability of Greece. Necessary was finally “a formal confirmation of Greece, that it paid its debt to the IMF as of June 30″.
On this day Greece must repay to the IMF not only 1.5 billion euros, and the second auxiliary program expires. Athens for months already negotiating with his creditors on payment of outstanding funds of this second program in the amount of 7.2 billion euros.
EU Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD), meanwhile, is confident that there will be an agreement. However, the disbursement of the remaining relief funds is only a precondition for further steps, “so that Greece comes economically back on its feet,” said Schulz. “Necessary for this are investments,” he stressed. An important part of it could be financed from the investment package, to have agreed the European Parliament and the European Commission.
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In Athens were demonstrating in the evening once again thousands of members and sympathizers of the Communist Party (KKE) against the tough austerity.
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