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After the termination of the fourth Euro group to the Greek debt crisis within a week there was frustration on both sides. From the perspective of the creditor institutions there on a number of issues “still a huge gap with the Greek government,” said Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem . After he had reported to the early evening of the summit round, the leaders had agreed to convene no special euro summit, reported from diplomatic circles
The creditor institutions of the European Central Bank ( ECB ), the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the EU Commission are now on Friday an agreement with Athens , the euro zone finance ministers on Saturday then travel again to Brussels. Only when they give the green light, could the Greek and then vote the German Parliament to release the blocked billion. Without agreement the money expires on Tuesday – and Athens could its debt of 1.5 billion euros at the IMF settle within the deadline and would be bankrupt.
“12″ absence of an agreement between Athens and the institutions lay the euro finance ministers in the afternoon two reform and saving lists before: a Greek who fell partly behind the proposals by the beginning of the week; and one of the institutions that persisted further, among other things to a swift from early retirements, as well as a higher value added tax for hotels and on the islands.
Schäuble the list of institutions have themselves” “criticized weak, was reported following from creditors circles. Their paper show, “that the donors do not want to negotiate”, however, the Greek Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis said the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung”. The demanded by the institutions tax increases for hotels and restaurants would “mean the collapse of the Greek tourism industry.”
Given the entrenched positions emerged calls for preparations for a Greek default and Grexit on:” We must be prepared for it “, the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said after a report by the news agency TASR. If no breakthrough had emerged, “we will think about the preparation of alternatives have,” said the Austrian Minister of Finance Hans Jörg Schelling. As a very last deadline for agreement to avert bankruptcy, he called the Sunday.
EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, who through negotiated quasi since Wednesday afternoon, said at the opening of the EU summit visibly exhausted: “I’m going to work until the last minute, second, millisecond, so that the euro project does not die.” Chancellor Angela Merkel ( CDU ) looks However, the Greek delegation at the train. “The European Council will not interfere in these negotiations,” she said before the summit opening.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is at home under massive pressure to stand firm in the negotiations with the creditors – even if 70 percent of Greeks want to stay in the euro. Despite the entrenched positions, he said on Thursday he remains “confident that we will find a compromise which will help the euro area and Greece in overcoming the crisis”. How this might look like, was on Thursday but not clear
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