More money sounds a good: The wages of the Germans will increase in the future, a new study shows. But the differences are immense.
5300 euros for a – 750 euros for the other
It sounds once for a good message, if it is in a new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Prognos AG: Wages go up! A phrase that everyone listens with pleasure – and who immediately leaves a line of associations. More money for holidays, more money for leisure, more money to make life a little more beautiful. At about 2000 euros household income adjusted for inflation the Germans will rise on average 2012-2020, the authors write. . For this forecast they have the current income analyzed and future developments of the economy, productivity and wages calculated in a simulation
Why the Germans of the future should look towards optimistic, according to the study is due to two social developments: Firstly, there are more and more old people – and fewer and fewer young workers. The corporate demand for labor is thus a smaller offer face that drives up prices. Secondly, there is a lack in some areas of the labor market to sufficiently experienced professionals. Here, too:. Small supply, big demand, higher wages
Who works in the chemical industry or mechanical engineering, wins
But if you look more closely, the notice: Not all are benefit from rising wages in equal measure. While top earner whose income is part of the top fifth, on average can expect a real growth of 5300 euros, the sum is the bottom fifth of income earners just at 750 euros, lower by about sevenfold. The winners will be according to the study, especially those who work in industries such as chemical, mechanical engineering and electrical industries. In professions so that require a lot of expertise and high qualifications. There, the hourly wages of 2012 will increase most until 2020. . In the chemical industry is to make Euro 6200 over the same period, for example
Or people who are socially active, sick or old wont care, cut quite badly: He is in 2020 just about 1,000 euros more have as yet 2012. know-how triumphs over service. And Childless victories over many children. For couples without children are on average with an increase of 2,100 euros about 450 euros more in the bank than couples with children; who educates its young alone, falling back even further. He will have just 1300 Euros more. This could be attributed to the fact that single parents often work part-time.
Part-time work also affects the private lives of
More and more people work part-time, temporary work, temporary or mini-jobs. A new study by the union-friendly Hans Böckler Foundation now shows that these atypical employment not only bring less merit with them. But also have a negative impact on the private life. Especially women opt for part-time or mini-jobs to spend more time with the family. In return, they take a greater reliance on its partner in the purchase – and are often insufficiently covered in the event of separation. If both partners are employed atypical, also increases the risk of separation; at least if the two are not married yet. The situation is similar if one of the partners has been working as contract workers. Even then the probability of separation is greater.
young and care for the elderly are not rewarded
So be rewarded in the future not necessarily those that make a great contribution to the society in which they take care of the elderly and the sick or take care of offspring. Inequality in Germany is rather exacerbate.
Although has not developed in the past decade, the gap between rich and poor further apart, at least in terms of income. But income inequality had held an already relatively high level at which it remains to this day. In the years 2000 to 2005 ie the household income in Germany developed ever further apart. This was due above all that time there were many German jobless. The at the tip so deserved more and more, while the people at the other end of the scale are increasingly fighting had.
Is inequality always bad?
How unequal is the German company, shows For example, considering the years 2000 to 2012 considered: The top earners were delighted at this time on an increase their income by more than 15 per cent – while the bottom forty percent of the population had to cope with a drop in income.
It is often said that such inequality is not necessarily a bad thing. Finally unequal ratios are always driving for individuals been able to increase their own power to be more productive and get to the top. More productivity in turn is good for the economy. But too much inequality may also cause the opposite and reduce growth, for example, studies of the OECD. Anyone who thinks that earning too little anyway, no matter how much he works, hard to no longer in doubt. Then inequality spurs no longer. But slows down.

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