– Lefteris Papadimas and Renee Maltezou Athens / BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Just before the end of its utility, the Greek Government started a last attempt to settle the dispute with the reform of the euro zone. The euro zone finance ministers did on Tuesday night by telephone to advise on the proposal, the euro rescue fund ESM to tap into for two years, to avoid bankruptcy. In addition, Athens again demanded a debt relief. Whether engage the euro-zone countries it was questionable. For the turbulence of bankruptcy they saw armed themselves. The utility should end at midnight. A repayment of € 1.6 billion to the International Monetary Fund held back the government in Athens. “Greece remains at the negotiating table”, the office of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared , With the money of the ESM the financial requirements for two years should be covered. The goal is a “viable solution to remain in the euro zone”. Whether therefore also a commitment to the reform requirements of the donors should be connected, was initially unclear. In the Letter to the euro zone Tsipras proposed to extend the utility for a short time and to convert them into a debt restructuring program. Such a bridge financing the Greeks had called several months ago, were so but always failed in the creditors who insist on vigorous structural reforms. Redeliberations the Eurogroup Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem sat on Tuesday: 19.00 clock a conference call of euro ministers to the Greek advising proposal. However, little was evidence that the expiry of the aid program could still be averted. Greece would have to submit a new application. Chancellor Angela Merkel made clear in the Union Group, according to participants that before the Greek reform referendum on Sunday would not advise it. Previously already had the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, advertised to reach an agreement at the last minute and called on the Greeks still agree to the reform requirements, but was rebuffed so. The Volte from Athens came as a surprise after Tsipras, the referendum on the scale of its Politics had made. He said on Monday evening in a television interview that his government would indeed also respect a “Yes”: “We will not be the ones who carry them out (the reforms).” In this case, he pointed to his resignation: “If the people want a humiliated prime minister, there are a few out there but I will not be..” Polls for the referendum were not known until Tuesday. The government hopes that a “no” vote tailwind for new negotiations on the conditions for further billions of aid from euro zone and IMF. Juncker had suggested that Tsipras accept the proposals of donors in writing and should begin in the referendum for a ‘yes’. The euro zone finance ministers would then have to approve a transfer to Athens even on Tuesday. He also presented talks on debt relief in prospect. A spokesman for Juncker said that the government in Athens had not moved. A German government official said: “For an extension of the program, it is now too late.” Continued …

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