- chancellor Merkel has stressed the importance of negotiations on the Greek debt burden on Saturday.
- EU Council President Donald Tusk expects the negotiations to be completed on Saturday.
- The demand of individual Member States, the euro zone would have to prepare a “Plan B” in case the negotiations fail, the Chancellor did not rule on.
- Greece needs to repay debts, it has but no money. Emergency loans want to provide the creditor only if the country is committed to reform. The commitment of these loans expires on 1 July.
After but repeated demolition of Greece negotiations the EU Summit Athens has set a final deadline for reaching agreement with creditors: the Euro Group meeting on Saturday “is crucial importance, “said German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). The time would be “very, very close”. EU Council President Donald Tusk said the summit participants expected that the Euro Group “this process concludes, at their meeting on Saturday”. The political will is to reach an agreement was “now clear,” Merkel said at the end of first day of the Summit. The leaders would have but does not deal with the details, but only a “procedural” DECISION: Athens must see with the creditor institutions a solution that would then be submitted to the finance ministers on Saturday. Only when the euro group agrees, could the Greek and then the German parliament vote to blocked billion from the aid program for the highly indebted country release. View The demand of individual Member States, the euro zone would be a “Plan B” – ie, a failure of the negotiations and thus the threat of Grexit – prepare, the Chancellor did not rule on. “I want to continue to not participate in speculation,” she said. The demand of the Greeks for a debt relief allowed the Chancellor unanswered. There is in the expiring program a “Specified total assets” The finance minister should the EU Summit solutions present. They have failed again. Which positions of the lenders and Athens are incompatible. “Now you have to look at what makes Greece to fulfill this program far as possible. It is not possible to find any of these new money, which is not yet there.” However, Merkel joined other aid for Athens not from principle. “Everything else has to be worked out,” she said, referring to the financial bottlenecks Athens, which can not be permanently overcome even with a disbursement of currently blocked billions of aid. absence of an agreement between Athens and the creditor institutions of the European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the EU Commission had the euro finance ministers submitted to two reform and saving lists: a Greek, the part behind the proposals from the beginning week declined; and one of the institutions that continue among other rapid from early retirements, as well as to a higher value added tax for hotels and on the islands insisted (here the proposal of the creditors as a PDF). Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem made it clear that Athens will be given not much room for maneuver: the Greeks stand “open the door to accept the set of the institutions on the table proposals”. A senior EU diplomat said the creditors’ proposal is “the crucial document” and there would be no “synthesis” between the two texts more. Athens” Super Minister “Giorgos Stathakis is responsible for many areas in which the will of the donors should be saved. In an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, he explained, in which the government can implement the Tsipras – and those that were not. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is struggling in Athens with strong resistance against concessions to creditors left, the Council building at night without an opinion. Schäuble had even Diplomats criticized the institutions proposal “too weak” as. Merkel declined in turn from, to comment on the specific content to ensure that the summit did not even busy Without agreement the money expires on Tuesday -. Athens could settle his debts of 1.5 billion euros from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) within the deadline and would be bankrupt. Despite the enormous time pressure a fourth meeting of the Euro Group had been terminated within one week on Thursday afternoon without results. Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) had complained that the Greeks themselves “moving rather backwards”. Wolfgang Schäuble expressed before the meeting of finance ministers very pessimistic about the current situation in Greece-debt dispute. His statement in the text.
“Saturday is crucial”
No Plan B
Greece negotiations If each trust is destroyed
Two reform and saving lists
Interview with Giorgos Stathakis “The sponsors want to do not negotiate “
deadline to Tuesday
Schäuble to Greece “progress we have not made many “
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