Monday, June 29, 2015

Last minute deal: flight attendant strike at Lufthansa for the time being … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 06.30.2015, 01:52
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Surprising turn the labor dispute between Lufthansa and the trade union UFO: In a recent conversation, both parties were still few. Strikes are for the time being averted. How viable is the offer, will show further negotiations.

The cabin union Ufo waived for now for another strike at Lufthansa. The company is the union “a complete surprise” come to meet in a recent interview in all material respects, said UFO chief Nicoley Baublies at night on Tuesday, the German Press Agency. In further talks in the coming days should now be clear how viable is the offer.

Ufo threatened to strike until September

In the labor dispute is about the future operational and transitional pensions. In the morning Ufo originally wanted to decide on a walkout of cabin crew. The union had threatened to far in the past week with repeated outbreaks of strikes from 1 July into September.

The union is calling for the reform of operations and transition pensions for approximately 19 000 flight attendants much higher contributions by the employer. Lufthansa will also recognize that the end of 2013 terminated pension collective agreements reverberate until a new regulation and thus for the time being remain valid.

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