the Greek government and representatives of the Troika start a few hours before leaving a current utility last attempts at mediation. The government in Athens asked therefore the euro partners is a new, two-year aid program from the euro rescue fund ESM .
The Greek top attributes this to the financial emergency. “As you know, the Republic is facing urgent financial problems in the second half of 2015 and for the full year 2016″, says the letter, which is pending before the European news service Politico.
It is a reversal of the government Tsipras. So far, she stressed but always that they aspire no third utility. However, this commitment did not correspond to economic realities. The international creditors have so far gone firmly believe that Athens will need a new tool.
Warms Athens the old positions only new to?
If the negotiators of the new proposal from Athens for astonishment caused. “First he rejects all measures for another program from” it said of a diplomat. “Then he suddenly wants to negotiate a new aid program. That’s just absurd. The man overwhelmed me. He wants to push only to new concessions creditors simply.”
Other negotiators declared that the proposal from Athens have no news value. It would merely reproduced the known positions.
The Greek Government requested in writing in addition to new loans and debt relief for the existing debts at the emergency rescue fund EFSF. The liabilities should be restructured with the aim that “the Greek debt sustainable in the long term and operate” remained.
Athens is facing national bankruptcy. Last Saturday, the ministers of the euro group still had stated that they would not extend the current credit offers to Greece. Tonight, 0.00 clock, they run out.
The euro zone finance ministers had responded that Prime Minister Tsipras had negotiations on a reform and austerity measures, which should pave the way for the disbursement of billions in loans stopped, and scheduled a referendum on the final status of negotiations on Sunday.
Juncker started daring initiative
Greece threatens a financial mess. On Monday the government had to close the country’s banks, the maximum sum that Greeks must stand out in cash, was limited. It is already spoken about the possibility of Grexits.
Already on Monday night was European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker launched an initiative to defuse the situation. In a telephone conversation he explained Tsipras that there were still opportunities to avert national bankruptcy.
diplomats said Juncker offered an extension of the current aid program. Condition is that the head of government for reform and austerity confess that to him from the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund sent late last week the Troika.
When convened Sunday referendum Tsipras should also promote a Yes. Their will, he should express in letters to Juncker, Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Francois Hollande.
However, the initiative was considered daring. Because until recently it was not clear whether it is at all technically and legally possible. The point at which an extension of the loan program would still be possible seemed so far to be at least long passes.
The German Bundestag and five other parliaments in the Euro -Staaten would support an extension. If the euro partners Greece decide to extend, without complying with the procedures, threaten at the end suits, among others before the Federal Constitutional Court.
The European Commission expressed not how the extension would be possible technically and legally. Juncker made a proposal for a “last minute deal”, said a spokesman. Also, Juncker had voted with euro group chief Dijsselbloem
Merkel:. “The door is open for discussion threads”
It was not clear last, as Tsipras would react. The Prime Minister had yet been very clearly indicated its opposition to the reforms and austerity measures. Likely referencing Now for approval him very difficult.
In Athens it is said to have the offer Junckers initially rejected so, was but then again on a conciliatory line swung. Perhaps he was willing to soften the call to reject the proposals. But these are still speculations. In circles of the Federal Government it does not anticipate that the initiative will be successful. You’ll be late, as that one still could extend the program.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she assume that the utility will overnight expire. “I know of no other reliable evidence,” she said. “All I know is that the last offer of the Commission, which is known to me, one last Friday week.”
Merkel stressed but that it continues to stay in the offer of talks with Athens: “Of course,” would not cut threads after midnight conversation, which was not common in the European Union. “That is, the door is open for conversation threads.”
Gabriel asks to cancel the referendum
The SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel called on Tsipras to renounce to his recent alternative claim for the scheduled Sunday referendum. “The best thing would be if Mr. Tsipras cancels the referendum,” Gabriel said Tuesday on the outskirts of the SPD parliamentary group meeting. Then one can also quickly talk about the new application. However, no one should expect a rapid agreement between donors and Athens, stressed Gabriel. A solution is very complicated. With the expiry of the second program, the European Central Greece should be no further funding. Should it be necessary, Union and SPD want to re-start this Friday fraction special sessions.
Gabriel and SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann were on Tuesday afternoon for an interview with the CDU chairman, Chancellor Merkel, and Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder (CDU) met. About ten minutes advised the leaders on Tsipras’ current letter, it was then in SPD circles. Then Gabriel emphasized, in light deviation to his remarks on Monday: “The door is open.” Berlin have always signaled that one is to “immediate talks” ready Tsipras should cancel the referendum. Gabriel emphasized that the second aid program run by 30 June from. The construction of a third aid program will not be easy.
Bundestag is in summer recess vote capable
Last time was in environment Troika been stressed that one ready would for a positive outcome of the referendum, to discuss on the basis of previous decisions a third loan program.
SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann praised foray Juncker, perhaps to find a last-minute solution to the Athens government: “. It is a last appeal to reason Mr Tsipras, still to take responsibility”
In an agreement with Greece, the Bundestag could advise short term and in the summer in a special session over, according to Oppermann. “We are always ready,” Oppermann said Tuesday before a group meeting in Berlin.
The Juncker initiative is in Berlin rather than symbolic signal before Seen scheduled for Sunday referendum to give the pro-European forces in Greece with the embassy lift, Brussels Leave no stone unturned.

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