Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras presented shortly before today’s emergency summit a new plan, with a default of his country is to be prevented. At the meeting in Brussels could decide whether Greece has a future in the euro zone.
The new offer constitutes a “good basis for progress” at today Summit is explained Martin Selmayr, a spokesman for the European Commission, at Twitter. He added that it was “a forceps delivery” the principal order. The euro rose in Asian and early European trading.
Before the summit, Tsipras will meet with representatives of the main creditors of his country. It is planned a meeting with Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, to the Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank President, Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem will encounter it. This is from an e-mail from the office of Tsipras out.
The time for Tsipras running out. After months of fruitless negotiations, he must convince them that he is prepared to remove from its election promises the creditor of his country. On June 30, the current aid program expires and payments to the IMF are due – in view of the disastrous financial situation of Greece and the record-high bank outflows is unclear how long can the country without additional emergency loans over water
On Sunday informed by phone about the recent proposal Tsipras Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Juncker, as evidenced by a further opinion of his office.
“Neither Merkel nor anyone else but the Greek government itself will decide whether Greece in the euro zone will remain,” said Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt at Twitter.
The proposed measures are intended to bring Tsipras five billion euros in the coming year and a half. Among other things, the rate of VAT for staple foods such as rice and pasta should be increased from 13 to 23 percent. The VAT in the hospitality industry should be doubled from 6.5 to 13 percent. In addition, the value added tax in taverns, restaurants and cafes are expected to rise by 13 to 23 percent.
New should be introduced a special tax on income of 30,000 euros per year, the could rise by one percent gradually to seven per cent. Companies in 2014 had more than 500,000 euros profits should pay up to seven percent special tax on profits.
Stay should a real estate tax, which the left-wing government actually wanted to abolish. But this measure should be thoroughly rinsed 2.6 billion euros into the coffers. Owners of yachts, luxury cars and swimming pools would engage deeper into their pockets.
Most of early retirement should be abolished after Tsipras offer. That was one of the demands of donors for the rehabilitation of the pension system. In addition, the employee and employer contributions for pension and health insurance should be increased by two percent.
In return, Athens urge among other reallocating its debt, reported the Greek financial press. In addition, there should be an extensive investment program to ensure that the Greek economy was growing again.
Merkel has indeed repeatedly stated that it wants to keep the euro zone intact, but it may be that Tsipras overestimated their willingness to compromise, was reported from the government environment. The Chancellor’s Office estimates the impact of a Greek default to 1 billion euros a year, the informed person, who declined to be named said.
The finance ministers Euro zone will meet today at 12.30 clock and prepare the discussions of heads of state before that are scheduled for 19 clock. In earlier days the course is also a conference call to the ECB liquidity support for Greek banks to melt away their deposits.
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