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Brussels (dpa) – The Greek crisis is German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the new meeting of euro zone finance ministers at the weekend. “The euro group on Saturday has a vital importance. Because time is running out,” Merkel said this morning in Brussels.
“We are hoping that an agreement can be achieved,” she said after the end of first day of the EU summit in Brussels.
The euro zone finance ministers plan to meet on Saturday after several inconclusive rounds of talks again. On Tuesday, the current European support program for Greece runs out. On this date, the country must also be around 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay back.
Merkel reiterated that the leaders did not want to interfere in the negotiations. “It must be made very much technical work,” she said. First, Greece had to work with donors to find a solution. When asked if there were any disagreements with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble in assessing the situation, Merkel said she had telephoned the Minister. In the assessment of the German finance minister she would “leave a little way.”
At the beginning of yesterday’s EU summit, the leaders had the pressure on Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras massively strengthened and made clear that there is no scope for further bargaining. Summit chief Donald Tusk stressed unequivocally that the summit supported the international donors, with whom Athens argues an austerity and reform package. Facing a possible Greek default, he said, the leaders were completely aware of the situation and the possible consequences. There will be no further Euro summit on Friday or over the weekend.
The summit demanded of Tsipras to accept the new offer of donors Institutions European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank. An agreement on the package is a prerequisite for the payment of the blocked aid of 7.2 billion euros.
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