With pithy words Alexis Tsipras has moved here in the Greek parliament over the demands of the donors. Now the prime minister goes in the fight against the threat of national bankruptcy but to the Euro Partners. These are relieved, but in Greece itself is growing discontent with the actions of the Government.
There is still no agreement, but only the proposals from Athens bring some MPs of SYRIZA Group of Prime Minister Tsipras to the barricades. Some have already announced that they will vote against an agreement with the creditor institutions International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and European Commission. “These measures list can not pass the parliament”, said the deputy parliamentary speaker Alexis Mitropoulos.The Tsipras government has proposed tax increases and pension reforms, which were included in the first positive reactions from the creditors. You will now be examined by experts in detail. Creditors want to give more aid only if reforms to make the Greek economy for years limping competitive.
The Greek media put already critical of the proposals of Tsipras apart. The conservative newspaper “Kathimerini” writes on Tuesday, the head of government had to pay in his first months in office expensive dues and headlined: “On the way to unification with austerity measures amounting to 7.9 billion euros.” The Prime Minister must now explain his parliament and his party why he so much departed from his campaign promises, it said. The Journal expects a “crash test for the government”.
The Athens newspaper “Ta Nea” predicts a confrontation Tsipras’ Syriza with his party. Because the Prime Minister has recently made significant concessions to the donors. “We pay eight billion euros, and the creditors want more”, subtitled “Ta Nea”. Although there were positive reactions from the negotiating parties, but did not mention anything about the restructuring of the Greek debt mountain.
“Avgi”, an organ of the ruling party Syriza and thus quasi Tsipras’ announcement organ, is backing the government’s plans: “The rich bear the burden, the creditor is responsible,” the paper wrote. A useful agreement was in sight.
“The undead in the euro”
The left newspaper “Efimerída ton Syntaktón” shows the government rate against open , Tsipras wants a comprehensive and lasting solution, they say. “In the direction of a painful compromise,” wrote the paper.
By contrast, the judgment of the Athens newspaper “Eleftheros Typos” turns out harder. “Conservation agreement-shock,” it says on the front page of the conservative journal. The delaying tactics of the Greek Government has led to an inflated new austerity measures amounting to 7.9 billion euros, now must Tsipras its government and the party explain its turnaround.
commentator Kostas Giannakidis made to the Opinion website protagon.gr his anger at the government and the donors air. The government continued to protect their clientele in the public sector, he wrote. Was particularly impressive but that donors can do this by going apparently. Apparently no one was interested in real reforms: “The Greeks are held as the undead in the euro, and then we’ll see”, Giannakidis summarized.“We are very close to an agreement”
hope for a rapid agreement with the donors made the meantime the Greek Government spokesperson Gabriel Sakellaridis. “The signs indicate that we are very close to an agreement”, said Sakellaridis on Greek television. Once the details firmly stood, Tsipras will inform his government. After that the Parliament would approve the agreement, Sakellaridis said. When this will happen, he left open.
At the same time, he also made it clear that Tsipras expects something in return for reform commitments. Condition for an extension of the current aid program was that funders internals beyond “elements to resolve the funding issues,” Sakellaridis said. He is likely to allude to debt relief – but in this discussion, the financiers do not want to get involved so far
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Many last chances – quotations for Greek crisis

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