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The meeting of finance ministers of the euro group has ended, as her boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem telling. The EU summit will be informed of the progress of negotiations. An EU official announced that the next meeting of the Euro Group is scheduled for Saturday morning
So that the time is running short. On Tuesday running the current European utility from Greece. On this date, the country must also repay EUR 1.6 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which it has not. A deal would have both the Parliament in Athens as well as parliaments of several euro zone countries agree. Among them is the Bundestag.
Just before the EU summit in Brussels, Chancellor Angela Merkel had expressed concern about the state of negotiations in the Greek crisis , Apparently the necessary progress had not been made, Merkel said on Thursday. “In some places you get the impression that we even fall back a bit.” Still very important that Greece continue with donors working on a solution to the debt crisis. Decide would need to end the euro zone finance ministers. “The European Council will not interfere in these negotiations,” she said.
Even Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) has been skeptical about the chances of a agreement with Greece expressed. The Greek Government had so far “not moving, moved rather backward, and that’s why I’m also for our meeting today is not very confident,” Schaeuble said during deliberations by the euro zone finance ministers in Brussels on Thursday. It lay nothing new on the table. “There are rather a greater difference than an approximation.” Progress had been hardly achieved in the negotiations between donors and the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Schäuble warned: “The decision lies with the authorities in Greece.”
Greece, however, can not drive up hope. In the proposals of the government there are only slight differences compared with the ideas of the creditors, says a government official: “These differences do not justify that the negotiations fail.”
Prior to the creditor institutions and Athens had submitted the euro finance ministers on Thursday competing solutions. A new document of the so-called institutions (European Commission, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund) is “not matched” with the Greek delegation, said an EU diplomat. From the Greek delegation were said to hold on to its own proposals and will this bring to the ministerial meeting.
The euro countries have around 11.30 clock a get a new paper that would have to be tested now, the Austrian Finance Minister Hans Jörg Schelling said on Thursday. There were a “working document”, reported from EU diplomatic circles. The paper came from the creditor institutions, it was by another EU source.
The planned 13.00 clock early finance ministers of the euro area was loud Schelling a half an hour moved backward. If the new proposal for the Minister “unacceptable” was, “then we will think about the preparation of alternatives also have”, said the Austrian Minister of Finance.
Previously, the “Financial Times” reported that the donors should have the Greek Finance Minister Alexis Tsipras issued an ultimatum to 11 clock to present a new list of reform proposals, based on which one can work, said a representative of the euro zone on Thursday. Happen not this, creditors would the euro finance ministers by 13 clock to submit their own proposals. That could also mean the Grexit.
The European policy must in the tug of war with the Greek government to resolve the debt dispute in the opinion of Commerzbank boss Martin Blessing do not give in. “The worst thing would be a bad compromise that gives the signal other, now I have nothing more to do,” Blessing said on Thursday before a meeting of the International Bankers Association IIF in Frankfurt. “If you try to live at the expense of its neighbors or other members, such as the want, the Greek Government, it makes it only more difficult.” Blessing called on Greece to take a lesson from the reforms in Ireland, Portugal and Spain if the country could remain in the euro. “If everyone does his best to get this project alive, it will work.”
Greece should accept the new offer of the international organizations. Otherwise, an exit from the euro could not be excluded. “Second best would be an agreement with Greece, what will happen next completely different,” said the head of Germany’s second largest bank. The euro will not fail also to a Greek default. “That would not be nice situation, but of course it would not be the end of the euro zone.”
No breakthrough
Negotiations between the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the heads of the creditor institutions had been postponed at night without a breakthrough on this Thursday.
The euro Finance come um13 clock together to form a new special meeting to settle the dispute over new billions in aid for the crisis country. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras wants to re-consult in the morning with top representatives of the donors on its reform and austerity, as reported from EU circles. Without an agreement on the package to 7.2 billion euros not flow blocked aids. And without fresh money threatens Greece soon, the state bankruptcy.
The Links Politicians Tsipras had already examined in the night in the top round. Involved were reportedly EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, and euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem and the head of the euro bailout fund ESM , Klaus Regling.
The confrontation, in which it ultimately comes to the fate of Greece in the euro zone is likely, according to diplomats weigh on the summit of EU leaders. The meeting starts at 16 clock. On the official agenda, the debt crisis in Greece is not yet.
Missing documents
are important topics of the two-day peak meeting European refugee policy and the demands for reform of the British Prime Minister David Cameron at the EU. This will be his countrymen until 2017 to vote on the whereabouts in the EU.
“We have the Minister informed only about the progress made so far. Unfortunately we do not have no agreement, but we are determined to carry on, “said Euro group chief Dijsselbloem after the aborted Finance meeting. Several department heads criticized for meeting important documents were missing. The Euro Group had already examined on Thursday of last week and last Monday on Greece, without achieving results.
“We want Greece in the euro Zone remains, “said Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici. It day and night will now work. Numerous experts were involved. They wanted to start already at 6 clock back to work
The tip calls Tsipras called loudly diplomats to shift the debt to the ESM -. What the donors refuse. Austrian Finance Minister Hans Jörg Schelling said, the push for the debt restructuring was the “biggest chunk” in the negotiations. “This is for many a third (auxiliary) program through the back door.”
Differences in VAT
French President Francois Hollande had said at a Euro zone summit on Monday, it prevails among the 19 euro countries agreed that there should be no third program for Athens. In has been speculation for months. There are two rescue plans with a total count of around 240 billion euros. Greece is by far the most difficult case in the lasting for years euro bailout policy
The Slovakian Minister Peter Kazimir said:. “I believe that three Eurogruppen- meetings and two summits reach to find a European solution for Greece. “
According to information from the Greek side there is, among other differences in VAT. The donors demanded that the rate for restaurant services will increased to 23 percent. This is a big problem for the abhängende tourism country. The IMF wants to cuts in pensions, but no increase in the corporate tax, as recently suggested by the Greeks.
On June 30, which runs twice prolonged utility Europeans from Athens. An agreement would also have the parliament in Athens as well as the parliaments of some euro zone countries agree – including the Bundestag. Only with approval the blocked aid from 7.2 billion euros to be released. Therefore, there is enormous pressure of time.

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