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Greece controls by the cleverer negotiations on further financial aid to a government default. The euro zone finance ministers rejected on Saturday at a crisis meeting in Brussels demands the government in Athens after re-extension of the aid program on June 30, also from. “Given the situation, we must conclude with regret that the program will expire on Tuesday night,” said Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem. This fall still standing by financial aid for Athens totaling more than 18 billion euros on Tuesday.
The euro zone finance ministers have rejected as requested by Greece extension of the aid program. The program end as planned on Tuesday at midnight, said the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Saturday in Brussels. The Greek side did not agree to the declaration of the Euro Group.
Dijsselbloem criticized it as “unfair”, that the Greek Government recognized the referendum and have recommended the voters to reject the proposals for reform of the international donors. During the Saturday there will be more discussions of the Euro-group without the Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis.
criticism of Varoufakis
has Greek Finance Janis Varoufakis the other 18 euro area countries sharply for the refusal attacked to extend the Greece rescue package on 30 June also. “I’m afraid that will damage the credibility of the euro group permanently as a democratic institution,” Varoufakis said on Saturday in Brussels. The Greek government had “a few days, a few weeks” requested the extension in order to hold a referendum on July 5 may. The Greek Government can not accept the offer by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission to extend the program until November.
It would continue a plan provided every couple of weeks and not enough on offer opportunities for investment. The refusal of the euro partners is all the more regrettable, because it is likely that the Greek people would come out in the referendum against the government and for an acceptance of the bailout, Varoufakis said.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) looks after the announcement of a Greek referendum on the package no longer a basis for further negotiations with Athens.
The Greek Government had unilaterally terminated the negotiations, now must be seen for what consequence, Schaeuble said on Saturday in Brussels before deliberations of euro zone finance ministers.
“The negotiations have been so obviously declared over by Mr Tsipras, if I understood him correctly.” There is therefore no basis for further negotiations. None of the Euro-colleagues see any possibility, what now could still be made.
The Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb looks after the announcement of the Greek referendum for the time talks about a euro exit of Greece come. The plans for the referendum would have brought the country closer to an exit from the euro zone, the so-called Plan B, he said.
Greece threatens national bankruptcy
The majority of the Euro-group, according to Alexander Stubbs against an extension of the aid program for Greece. He said that before the discussions of euro zone finance ministers.
had the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the early hours of Saturday, a referendum on the austerity and reform requirements of announced creditors Sunday next week. He had asked the Euro-partners to extend the utility it until July 5.
With the expiry of the aid program on Tuesday threatened the country but without any further financial support from the state bankruptcy.
“Bizarre decision”
Euro-group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem criticized the decision of the Greek government to hold a referendum on the proposed agreements with the international creditors. This was a “sad decision for Greece”, the “door has closed for further discussions” which Dijsselbloem said before the meeting.
He and his colleagues would now listen to what the Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis have to say, and then advise on, “which will have consequences for the”.
“I am very negatively surprised by today’s decision by the Greek government, “Dijsselbloem said. This was “obviously the recent proposals of the three (creditor) rejected institutions” and recommend the Greek people in the referendum now, to do the same. Dijsselbloem, who heads the meeting of euro zone finance ministers, spoke of a “very sad situation”.
Belgian Finance Johan van Overtveldt spoke of a “bizarre decision “if the people would asked about the outcome of negotiations between Greece and its creditors, even though the government rejects this. When asked if the Greek aid program could be extended again to cover the period up to the referendum, he said: “I do not think so.”

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