The future of Greece is now in the hands of the euro zone finance ministers. You need to find at their meeting on Saturday in Brussels a solution. “We say wisely: This Euro group is of crucial importance,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the EU summit in the Belgian capital. The time would be “very, very close”.
The negotiations were very technical and could therefore be performed only by specialists. “The can and the leaders will not do,” said Merkel. The political will to reach an agreement but had been underlined by all summit participants.At present, it is about the completion of the current program. “It is impossible to find any of these new money that is not there yet,” explained Angela Merkel.
The Bundestag must approve
On the question of a possible plan B, there should be no agreement on Saturday, the CDU leader responded evasively. She wanted a successful deal and would not take part in speculation, Merkel said.
When asked if there was disagreement with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble in assessing the situation, Merkel said she had telephoned the Minister , In the assessment of the German finance minister she would “leave a little way.”
Only when the Euro Group gives green light, could the Greek and then vote the German parliament to blocked billion from the aid program for release the highly indebted country. Without agreement the money expires on Tuesday – Athens might settle his debts of 1.5 billion euros from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) within the deadline and would bankrupt

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