Ver. di argue further with the Post. Now the union makes their strike threat and calls postal and parcel messengers from the indefinite strike. As a result, millions of letters and parcels to lie. All info in the ticker.
- Where the postal workers strike? All by post code
- After Ver.di: urges trade union DPV calls for indefinite strike on
- Ver.di one-off payment of 500 euros and wage increase of 2.7 percent
- strike will be extended nationwide
- One end of the strike is not foreseeable
The facts: mailman and mailman Deutsche Post are located since June 8 in the indefinite strike. Background of the conflict is the establishment of 49 regional companies for parcel delivery, where to date approximately 6,000 delivery man are not paid according to the pay scale of the post office, but by often lower, regional collective agreements of the logistics industry. A final ultimatum union Ver.di had the post elapse before. In the labor dispute it goes nationwide to pay and working hours for 140,000 employees. The trade union DPV calls for an indefinite strike which is to be gradually expanded
Week three:. The postal strike continues
09.37 clock: The strikes at the post office go into the third week: The union is of about 4100 strikers out, lay down on Monday to their work as a Verdi spokesman on Monday announced. An agreement is not in sight. At the post office are in the eleven Briefverteil- and four parcel centers in Baden-Württemberg since June 8 employees on strike.
More than 1000 volunteers distributed on Sunday nationwide post office, as a company spokesman said. From the perspective of Verdi Post has “unlawfully” traded with the Sunday service, the contradicted the company. The union had reported that, in their view, “illegal” act the Labor Department on Friday. However, to date no response had come, said the Verdi spokesman.
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No end of the post-strike in sight
Monday, June 22, 07.15 Clock: The indefinite strike at the post goes into its third week. One end of the labor dispute is not in sight. On the contrary: The Sunday delivery stranded letters and parcels has caused new trouble in the wage dispute. The German Post had nationwide employees and temporary workers called upon to distribute not notified because of the strike shows on Sunday. The Verdi union denounced the action as “unlawful” to. The Post rejects.
More than 25 000 people are on strike, according to the unions, the result may be partly “chaotic conditions”. According to the Post, around 80 percent of the letters and parcels are delivered on time despite the walkout.
With the since 8 June lasting labor dispute the union wants to reach especially that 49 regional companies are recorded with lower pay in the parcel business back into the regular pay scale. In return, she offered a moderate salary statements. The offer rejects the mail but sometimes also points out that it was necessary to offset the labor cost gap with the competitors.
dispute over Sunday delivery kindled
Sunday, June 21 , 16.33 clock: In the wage dispute at the post office the Sunday delivery stranded letters and parcels for new trouble makes. The German Post had nationwide employees and temporary workers called upon to distribute not notified because of the indefinite strike broadcasts on Sunday. The Verdi union denounced the action as “unlawful” to.
Verdi in North Rhine-Westphalia demanded the local Ministry of Labour and the five district governments that are not approved, “to prevent unlawful Sunday work at Deutsche Post AG.” The policy must “show limits in dealing with employees and unions.” the Group Board of Management
Uwe Speck Wirth, Verdi department head postal services, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur, alone 260 parcel delivery from NRW are on Sunday with “gentle pressure “been to participate in the Special Action
A company spokeswoman said.” ordered and 100 euro allowance to Dusseldorf We will comply with all legal regulations “They had called postal workers and temporary workers to the action.. About how many volunteers to where involved, they did not specify. Company spokesman from Baden-Württemberg According to a distributed there on Sunday more than 1,000 volunteers Post
volunteers to Mail on Sunday spread
16.06 clock. The strikes Go at Deutsche Post in the third week. The trade union Verdi announced on Saturday to continue the indefinite labor dispute. Nationwide already well 25 000 tariff forces had stopped work. A company spokeswoman said, postal workers and temporary workers were called on Sunday for a nationwide campaign to deliver property left letters and parcels. How many people are involved in which offices, the post office could but only say on Monday.
The union wants to take especially the 49 regional companies with lower pay in postal parcel business back into the regular pay scale. In return, she offered a moderate salary statements. The selection leans off the post but.
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