There have been bought in the past month securities worth 63.1 billion euros, as the ECB announced on Monday. In April she had purchased bonds worth 60.3 billion euros. Within the framework of started in March purchase program, the Eurosystem central banks want to buy up September 2016 securities with a volume of € 60 billion per month.
Governing Direktore Benoit Coeure but had an enhanced bond purchase announced for May and June. In July and August are to be because of the summer lull in the bond market less bonds to buy.
Since the program was launched in March, the central bank has now bought sovereign debt in a total volume of 146.7 billion euros. Of this € 51.6 billion were acquired in May. The purchases of secured bank bonds (covered bonds) rose in May by 10 billion euros to 85.1 billion euros. The number of loan securitisations (ABS) by 1.4 billion euros to 7.2 billion euros.
With the purchase program, the ECB wants to bring the sluggish economy more buoyant in and push inflation upwards. Inflation expectations have recently tightened in the euro zone. The money supply widened. However, the lending remained last behavior.

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