Monday, June 1, 2015

Utility: A final offer for Greece – THE WORLD

Recent payments, last offers, last calls. Greece has seen a number of them. Would you trust the Greek government and the information it has spread in the past few months, the country would have gone bankrupt long ago. But one thing seems to be true. The negotiations between Athens and its creditors arrive in the decisive round

late Monday at 21.30 clock were the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, and the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, arrived in Berlin. Together with Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, they were looking at the Federal Chancellery for an acceptable range of Greece, which opens on the one hand the way for further reforms, on the other hand the possibility of further financial assistance.

still was the paper of the troika in Athens for work, it said late Monday in European negotiation circles. It serves the goal of making the Greeks one last offer. But only on the basis of the current, second utility with its strict conditions. It states that it is a take-it-or-leave-it approach to German: take it or leave. It sets the Greeks probably the gun to my head

How seriously this is meant probably know only the participants themselves One thing is obvious:.. Allen runs out of time. The end of June ends the existing second utility. If the troika has not given until then, Okay for additional aid payments, there should be no more money for Athens to the state of affairs. The country would then broke at the latest, probably even a few days earlier. Threatens even an exit from the euro. The whole thing looks like an ultimatum of donors to the government of Athens.

Merkel and Hollande have drawn the subject per se

In order to avoid the real thing, it needs the approval of the Greek Parliament for further reforms. And – no less important – the approval of several national parliaments, also the Bundestag, for the disbursement of billions of Greece. None of this will be a walk. That being said:. The Chancellor wanted to keep out the theme Greece from its G-7 summit at the end of the week in Schloss Elmau

The reasons weigh heavily. Therefore, currently all working like mad to find a solution. Angela Merkel and French President Hollande, have drawn the discussions of the professional level at which they were largely bogged down in itself. It now should finally be progress. They regularly call with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Allegedly he is even ready to move in highly controversial issue pension.

So far rejected the Greeks further pension cuts always off and were only prepared to do so, the mass a stop to early retirement. Now Tsipras seems at least open to it, thinking in terms of pension cuts, and perhaps even a higher retirement age. However, everything is very vague. Tsipras need for such decisions namely also the consent of his Syriza party. And there are a number of hardliners who would rather leave the euro than to break the election promises made.

Tsipras represents Greece as a victim

With all compromise on Merkel and Hollande’s pages the whole thing is also human is not easy. Tsipras public statements reflected by no means the regular telephone calls with the two again – even if it is supposed to be impressed by the detailed knowledge of the chancellor

In the French newspaper. “Le Monde” had scolded, his country was the “first victim” of a neoliberal EU of the Greek Prime Minister. That it was not yet come to an agreement on Greece’s future, “is not due to the alleged implacable, uncompromising and incomprehensible attitude of Greece,” said the Premier in his commentary on Sunday. “It is up to the insistence of some institutional actors on absurd proposals and a complete indifference to the recent democratic decisions of the Greek people.”

And then he still put a Overhead, the advocates of austerity diktat – and so that he can in addition to the IMF almost all my Germany and France and other euro-financiers – were only out to impose austerity and harsh penalties, with “Greece became the first victim”


It could be that these harsh tones were well received neither in Paris nor in Berlin. After all the discussions, the many phone calls. The sign him, the left, far more accommodating to come as his predecessor Antonis Samaras. Maybe that’s the reason that donors now want to submit a final offer. In Brussels, however, did not want to hang up so the matter. And Angela Merkel normally does not believe in last offers and discussions.

First of all parties is a large piece of persuasion

Therefore, became apparent after the talks on Monday evening generally willing to compromise: The interlocutors had agreed” that now have to work with great intensity on The interlocutors were staying in recent days in close contact, and intend to in the next few days. – both among themselves and also with the Greek government, “a government spokesman said during the night

One thing is clear, however, currently. In a very limited time frame the interlocutors have to satisfy a number of difficult conditions. Tsipras – even if it should be open to further reforms – has to bring his party behind him. Merkel in turn must convince their faction in the Bundestag, if it meets the Greeks -. Especially when they should be ready for a type haircut with longer repayment terms and lower interest rates

Without this measure, it will in turn barely walk, if you want to keep the IMF at the rod, the only participates when Athens either a really toughes austerity and reform program to sign. Or forgo the Europeans on a portion of their debt.

The fact that all this can still be clarified before Merkel’s summit in detail, is highly unlikely. To a letter of intent of Europeans but it could be enough – assuming Alexis Tsipras has one hand the conviction to do the right thing. And on the other hand the courage to confront his party with it. Or the other side bends but a still.

” Every day is critical, “

              During his visit to Portugal, Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier also expressed to the negotiations with Greece. . Here, every day is crucial to find a timely solution Source: Reuters


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