Sunday, August 23, 2015

Retirement Abroad: Where it attracts more and more pensioners – T-Online

to retire by the sea and in the sun enjoy: This desire obviously is at a premium. The number of German foreign retirees increases. Which country is your desired destination, according to an article which has “Welt am Sonntag” (“doublet”) determined GfK market research company

Just under a quarter of Germans want to pull a pensioner abroad -. On prefer to Spain. This, the study found, for which GfK surveyed 1498 citizens between 14 and 64 years.

The ten most popular countries for a residence abroad during the annuity accordingly:

1. Spain 39.9 percent
. 2 France 11.3 percent
. 3 USA 10.7 percent
. 4 Switzerland 10.4 percent
. 5 Austria 7.4 percent
. 6 Thailand 7.3 percent
. 7 Italy 4.6 percent
. 8 UK 4.1 percent
. 9 Turkey 3.3 percent
10th Greece 1.3 percent
id="FSPHP_votingSolution_14884" class="Tmv152" readability="7.3435897435897">

Prepare to emigrate in retirement abroad?

The reality is different

These figures differ markedly from those of German pensioners who already live abroad. 168,000 German currently relate old-age or disability pensions outside the Federal territory, reported the “doublet” and relies on information from the German Pension Fund. Of them would almost 22,000 – and therefore the most – live in Switzerland. This was followed by the USA with 20,962, Austria with 15,773 and Spain with 15,050 pensioners from Germany

The general trend to emigrate in old age, however, is a fact. The number of German nationals in the home for retirement, refer disability pension, has risen by less than two percent, according to German Pension Insurance from 2008 to 2014. The number of Germans who the remuneration can be remitted abroad, has grown on the other hand in the same period by 18 percent.

Younger emigration may rather imagine

The craze for emigration is however more pronounced in younger people than in people who are in fact close to retirement: Of the 30 to 39 almost every third wants olds, according to the GfK survey spend their retirement abroad. Of the 60- to 64-year-olds, however, is only one in eight

There is also in the target selection clear differences between the sexes. Men prefer France and Switzerland, and to a lesser extent Thailand. Whereas women want rather to Austria, in the USA and Italy. Only Spain is popular with both men and women.


Integration in businesses: crafts wants to attract young refugees as apprentices – ABC Online

Sunday, 08.23.2015, 10:17
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The President the Central Association of the German Trade has asked to bring more young refugees in a lesson. The German craft need to be able to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future may, a qualified immigration.

The President of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), Hanspeter wool zeal , has called for in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”, to bring more young refugees in a lesson. The language teaching must start earlier, and the exchange should be better organized and funded, wool zeal said noting that the industry annually around 20,000 trainees missing.

“The businesses that invest in these young people who need more security”

The recent decision that this group of people could apply for a continuation of toleration annually, is not sufficient. “A training lasts three years and not three times year,” Woll said zeal. “The businesses that invest in these young people who need more security.” In addition, it should be possible to continue to employ the young fellows after training at least two years as a skilled worker. Especially the young people who come

from war zones, are very ambitious, the ZDH-president said.

“Many bring a high level of education or craft education with. We can integrate well in the farms.” The German craft need to be able to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future may, a qualified immigration. “This includes for me the people we have to qualify,” said wool zeal. “The only requirement is that they are motivated and capable of continuing.”

Video: break through thousands of refugees border into Macedonia

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Beautiful new electric car world: Volvo expects competition from IT industry – NEWS



 Saturday, 22 August 2015


 Want Apple and Google are really carmaker? No question moves the industry probably longer. Volvo CEO Samuelsson takes the tech corporations as competitors seriously, but calmed down with a simple wisdom.



Volvo CEO Håkan Samuelsson is before Apple and Google as a new competitor for automakers on guard. “I think we should not underestimate that,” he said in an interview with the financial news agency dpa-AFX. Google has already developed a self-propelled car, according to media reports the iPhone maker Apple is working on its own electric car. In the car industry, it is debatable whether the two US companies want to make the established automakers real competition, or rather pushing into business with data about the car and its driver.

Samuelsson had Volvo earlier this year in relation to the “Car Week” itself brought into the conversation for a possible collaboration with Apple. If Apple zukäme at Volvo, he had said that Sweden would certainly think about it. But this it has not come: “We have no concrete dialogue,” Samuelsson made clear now. He pointed instead on our own experiments with self-driving cars.

“It’s not as easy to build cars”

 For autonomous driving Volvo has also map service Here at a glance. The three German car manufacturers Audi, BMW and Daimler have recently announced its acquisition of Nokia. “Of course we need reliable card information, especially for self-propelled vehicles,” Samuelsson said. Here is an alternative here, but Volvo wanted to preserve flexibility. To automatically exchange information about congestion or parking, for example, cars About the map service. BMW, Daimler and VW group want to become so also independent of Google and Apple, according to the industry

Also Volvo observed that US corporations exactly. “When serious interest in the car market show, of course you should be prepared to see them as competitors, “Samuelsson said. Behind Google and Apple put a lot of money. Volvo will pursue the ambitions, greater fear of the tech companies they had not. “It’s not so easy to build cars,” Samuelsson said.

Plug-in hybrids are not the end

With new drive systems of Volvo CEO sees his company on the right path. The company, which belongs to the Chinese carmaker Geely since 2010, currently operates primarily on so-called plug-in hybrids, which refueled with fuel, but can also be recharged with electricity. When the battery is empty, takes over the engine. Almost all the major manufacturers have such cars on offer.

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From the electric C30, the only previous all-electric Volvo, only 250 units were built. “I would imagine that we are perhaps a little more open to a completely electric vehicle today”, the Volvo chief said now. It depends heavily on the development of battery technology. “I think you need a range of the order 400 or 500 kilometers to a real alternative to have,” Samuelsson said. In addition, charging times would be shortened: “One can not accept coffee break of five or six hours, the need to go much faster..” The low capacity of batteries is one of the biggest problems for electric cars. Long stretches of motorway are hardly possible without recharging, and the network of charging stations is still very thin. In the auto industry Samuelsson nevertheless expected but changes: “I think we will see a shift. More batteries and smaller internal combustion engines”

Also, Volvo could venture a new attempt to electromobility, Samuelsson but can not yet be look at the cards. When asked whether there were plans for an e-version of the SUV flagship XC90, Volvo said the boss only: “might not be entirely wrong.”





Social plan for Karstadt-closing branches is – Berliner Morgenpost

  08.22.2015, 16:40

Saturday, 08.22.2015, 18:40
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For lovers chocolate is not a good year in 2015: The hazelnut and cocoa harvests were so bad that the producers will probably raise prices. Although a company has an idea of ​​how to take countermeasures. But if the still acts in time?

The Chocolate manufacturer Ritter Sport complains of the hazelnut crop failure last year. This could have unwelcome consequences. Because the company is considering an increase in chocolate prices for: “Due to the large crop failure last year and the increased global demand is the hazelnut price recently exploded,” the knight-Sport managing director Andreas Ronken told the Stuttgarter Zeitung

<. h2> Ritter Sport is planning its own cocoa plantation

Currently, the contractor must, due to the world market price for nuts put away about 25 to 30 million additional costs. The solution: Install self cocoa. In Nicaragua, the company will operate the third largest cocoa plantation in the world. The company wants to use modern means of obtaining cocoa: “We want to demonstrate that you can grow cocoa on a large scale, namely sustainable without child labor and decent working conditions. This includes our proprietary harvester, with which we open the fruit, remove the cocoa beans and ferment can, “Ronken said according to the report. The first harvest, there will be the 2017th

This is an excerpt from FOCUS HEALTH “eat healthier”.

As you can lose weight permanently with psycho strategies and how a healthy diet strengthens the heart and bones, read in the output FOCUS HEALTH “eat healthier”. The magazine is available at newsstands, online, in PDF and app for iOS and Android.

What does this mean for a sweet tooth?

Consumers should expect sport with a price increase in spite of the ambitious plans of knights. Because against the backdrop of rising costs, the company can according “an increase of Chocolate prices and the folding of the costs to consumers not rule.”

Schlemmerausrede Hereby it is, if you can not resist sweet:

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Social plan for closure of Karstadt stores stands – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          on the closure list: Karstadt branch in Bottrop



When department store group Karstadt paving the way for the closure of four stores in the coming year are made. Employers and council have agreed, according to employee representatives on a social plan for about 580 employees in Recklinghausen, Bottrop, Dessau and Neumünster. “The social plan for the employees in the closure of branches is signed and sealed,” quoted the “West German Allgemeine Zeitung ‘Karstadt General Works Manager Jürgen Ettl. The company was on Saturday not to reach for an opinion on the social plan at first. Verdi holds the four closures wrong.



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For the affected houses Karstadt had already announced store closures for 2016 in May. After "WAZ" information end of the operation in March in Bottrop and Dessau should probably be set, the end of June in Recklinghausen and Neumünster. The withdrawal from Bottrop and Recklinghausen had Karstadt explains, among other things with a weak population growth and strong competition from shopping centers. With reference to plans of the company reported that "WAZ" further that the operation in Bottrop and Recklinghausen even months - should run normally

- also during the important Christmas business.

In detail, inter alia, severance pay and a transfer company are loud Gesamtbetriebsrat provided the social plan. Karstadt had assured to provide

for workers in areas affected by a closure of branches short free application training to help you move to new employers.


The negotiators of Verdi for Karstadt, Arno Peukes, described the Karstadt plan to close the four branches to be false. "The example Mönchengladbach shows that things can be different," he said on Saturday, the news agency DPA.


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In Mönchengladbach the branch will be saved with the help of the municipality. The development company of the city of Mönchengladbach accepts According to July the store for an average of millions of euros from the previous owner High Street and rebuild it. As a result, a portion of the previously used by Karstadt area will be rented to other merchants. Karstadt CEO Stephan Fanderl had therefore withdrawn the closure plan for this department store branch.




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Hudson's Bay Kaufhof hits Canadian Group

The Canadian retailer Hudson's Bay has the bidding race for the Metro department store subsidiary Kaufhof won. The direct competitor Karstadt took it away empty-handed. The Verdi union insists on extensive commitments of Canadians. More

06.15.2015, 17:27 clock | Economy

After the post-strike still missing packages

The post-strike is already a month ago. Nevertheless, all of the packages have not yet arrived at their receivers. To some extent is not clear where they are stuck.

08.09.2015, 12:14 clock | Economy

Kita-strike Verdi wants Member Survey

The Chairman of the trade union Verdi, Frank Bsirske want the members to be interviewed. The Federal Tariff Commission will discuss the survey of members More

06.25.2015, 14:52 clock |. Economy



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ailing Warenhauskonzer

social plan for closure of Karstadt stores is

Now the plan is set in stone: In 2015, four branches of the ailing department store chain Karstadt close - in Nordrhein -Westfalen, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein. Now what should happen to the employees.

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Ritter Sport is planning cocoa plantation: Rising prices for hazelnuts and cocoa … – ABC Online

Saturday, 08.22.2015, 18:40
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It is not a good year for hazelnuts and cocoa. This is driving the prices up. Ritter Sport is now planning its own cocoa plantation. Bad news for chocolate fans. Because that snacking may soon be really expensive.

The Chocolate manufacturer Ritter Sport complains of the hazelnut crop failure last year. This could have unwelcome consequences. Because the company is considering an increase in chocolate prices for: “Due to the large crop failure last year and the increased global demand is the hazelnut price recently exploded,” the knight-Sport managing director Andreas Ronken told the Stuttgarter Zeitung

<. h2> Ritter Sport is planning its own cocoa plantation

Currently, the contractor must, due to the world market price for nuts put away about 25 to 30 million additional costs. The solution: Install self cocoa. In Nicaragua, the company will operate the third largest cocoa plantation in the world. The company wants to use modern means of obtaining cocoa: “We want to demonstrate that you can grow cocoa on a large scale, namely sustainable without child labor and decent working conditions. This includes our proprietary harvester, with which we open the fruit, remove the cocoa beans and ferment can, “Ronken said according to the report. The first harvest, there will be the 2017th

class="text block">

This is an excerpt from FOCUS HEALTH “eat healthier”.

As you can lose weight permanently with psycho strategies and how a healthy diet strengthens the heart and bones, read in the output FOCUS HEALTH “eat healthier”. The magazine is available at newsstands, online, in PDF and app for iOS and Android.

What does this mean for a sweet tooth?

Consumers should expect sport with a price increase in spite of the ambitious plans of knights. Because against the backdrop of rising costs, the company can according “an increase of Chocolate prices and the folding of the costs to consumers not rule.”

Schlemmerausrede Hereby it is, if you can not resist sweet:

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Volvo has Apple and Google as potential competitors in the eye – Salzburger Nachrichten

World | Economy

 The automaker wants Google and Apple not underestimate image: SN / APA (EPA) / JASON SZENES Volvo CEO. Hakan Samuelsson is before Apple and Google as a new competitor for automakers on guard. “I think we should not underestimate that,” he said in an interview with the financial news agency …>

World | Economy

Volvo makes competition from picture:. SN / EPA Volvo CEO Håkan Samuelsson is before Apple and Google as a new competitor for automakers on guard. !>

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World | Economy

The heavily indebted US territory Puerto Rico strives before the Supreme Court in the United States about the possibility of sending its state-owned enterprises in an orderly insolvency proceedings to. The point is …>

World | Economy

debt relief Greece, there are, according to a media report in Brussels replace considerations, comparatively expensive loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ahead of schedule. But money could of …>

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& quot;) {? this.parentNode.href = this.parentNode.href + & quot; click = pic & quot;} " src="" width=" 176 "> The low-cost airline Ryanair has suffered a legal defeat in the dispute over compensation for delayed flights. A court in Manchester was on Friday that customers up to six years time …>

World | Economy

 Novartis is building Multiple Sclerosis business from picture:. SN / APA (Archive / EPA) / MARTIN RUETSCHI The pharmaceutical company Novartis is building a billion-acquisition of his Multiple Sclerosis business. The Swiss company takes over from British rival GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to under development …>

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World | Economy

 Nowotny for IMF involvement in aid package Picture: SN / APA (Archive) /. HERBERT NEUBAUER National Bank Governor Ewald Nowotny, sees in Greece” an almost dramatic learning process with regard to the Greek government, so I guess but that honest efforts are “here, the austerity package …>


Volvo chief warns against underestimating Google and Apple in the automotive sector – Heise Newsticker

Håkan Samuelsson is since 2012 CEO of the Volvo Car Corporation in Sweden

(Photo: Volvo).

car manufacturers would be well advised if they are not ridiculed the engagament outside the sector financially strong corporations in developing novel cars from above. That says Håkan Samuelsson, CEO of Volvo

Unlike many peers the Volvo chief advocates to be as new competitors for automakers wary of Apple and Google. “I think, one should not underestimate. If they show serious interest in the car market, of course you should be prepared to see them as competitors. ” Behind these companies put a lot of


Google has already developed a self-propelled car. According to media reports Apple is working on its own electric vehicle. Samuelsson says Volvo will pursue the ambitions of the financially strong industry newcomers attentive. Fear of being overrun unawares by the fresh competition, you have not: “It’s not as easy to build cars.” ( dpa >) / (PSZ)


25 MPs return Tsipras back – THE WORLD

in the Greek parliament have separated 25 deputies of the left wing of the hitherto ruling Syriza on Friday and formed a separate parliamentary group. Head of the group will be the leader of the former left wing Syriza party, Panagiotis Lafazanis. The name of the new group would be people Unit (LAE), it was

The new faction in the Athens parliament, making it the third strongest force in parliament -. After the Syriza with now only 124 deputies, and the conservative New Democracy (ND) with 76 deputies. As the German Press Agency found out from circles of the so-called rebels, want to quickly set up a new Left Party under the same name, the renegade deputies. Tsipras had given the previous day in a televised speech announced his retirement. The Greek people must decide whether they approve of the actions of his government in the negotiations with the creditors, he said.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Greece: “Tsipras had to call new elections” – Berliner Morgenpost

Sat, 08.22.2015, 00.22 clock

Greece controls again on parliamentary elections, less than ten months after the last election, a new government to be elected in September. The people in Greece see the new political events with mixed feelings. We asked. One man said: “We live with the hope of a better future. So far no politician has ever redeemed his promise “Another said:”. The elections were unavoidable due to the split within Syriza. But maybe that’s a good opportunity to clean up the political landscape. Under these circumstances, the ruling party could their obligations to funders not fulfill. “And a woman’s view. “Syriza did not have enough power to push through certain key laws in

parliament, and it was difficult for Tsipras to govern the country. He had to rely on the rebels within his own party or opposition parties, and so he had no choice but to set new elections “Euro news reporter Kostas Tsellos says:”. For the third time in the past nine months comes to choose Greece. Alexis Tsipras promised better days, but the split in the Syriza party is now leading to new political uncertainty. Many believe that the economy is now again gets into a dead end “

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Elections: How Alexis Tsipras can strengthen the political center – THE WORLD

yanking is entered: Greece will again select only half a year after the overwhelming electoral victory of the radical left Syriza government. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has resigned because of the rebellion in his party, thus forcing new elections, if no one else can form a government. And now becoming apparent: No one will be able

Allen Surveys should Syriza win again.. While the population does not agree with all the decisions of the government. But it is the fidelity of a desperate society that Tsipras has elected last fighter against the impending doom.

Tsipras wants its loyal voters demand from a new mandate before the people feel the new cuts painfully. And he wants to show his political opponents that he is elected – although he expects of hardship. With this strategy, he had already urged in January to early elections, which earned him the first time the power. In July came the referendum, in which he called the Greeks, the reject what he himself accepted: a new savings and rescue program for Greece. This time the opponent is his own party.

Because many left ideologues in the party were not capable of governing had, Tsipras get rid of sooner or later. Or fail. They had become within the party to an embarrassingly strong opponent of the only possible and realistic course. Tsipras ruled de facto by using the bourgeois opposition against their own internal party zealots.

However, the long term to be successful, it needs to inherit the legacy of Pasok. The traditional social democratic party perished on the crisis, but only a classic social democratic party can appeal to both the concerns of the impoverished citizens as well as the constraints of a realistic economic policy credible. This vacuum must fill Syriza, if the party wants to survive politically. You must be radically different from an association leftist groups to a pragmatic People’s Party.

Syriza will no longer be the home left revolutionaries of all shades so after this election. They will be neither radical nor particularly left. But a Tsipras party that follows a pragmatism forced guide.

was the strength of the Old Left a remnant of those times when Syriza was an insignificant debating club : The wirrsten speakers had the final say in the party organs. In society, however, the left have no real weight, not the voters. Tsipras’ decision to force early elections, marked the end of the Old Left in Syriza alliance: The Left would be either suppressed from the lists of candidates of the party and not return to parliament, thus disempowered, or to secede and fail when choosing


And so the revolution devours its children. The Communist Platform preferred the self-chosen finish. 25 deputies from the left-wing camp have already split off and founded the new group national unity, which is the third largest in parliament so.

Syriza is therefore naturally weakened, and the question is: Can the Party nevertheless emerge again as the strongest force in the choice and find a majority government? A recent survey of “Bridging Europe” sees the new national unity with 25 deputies, Syriza would fall from 149 to 134 seats. 50 of them would be the election winner bonus of Greek electoral system. The

previous right-wing coalition partners Anel stay with 13 deputies. This means that Syriza would certainly win again, the previous coalition would have 147 deputies with too few to form a government. 151 MPs would be needed.

The bourgeois opposition can it so far does not seem to benefit. The old parties New Democracy and Pasok fall according to the survey to 61 (instead of 76) and ten (instead of 13) mandates. For the moderate leftist party is on the upswing, with 21 seats instead of 17 as in January. She has repeatedly offered as a coalition partner for Tsipras, and circles from his environment said on several occasions that he think about it.

Should this happen, with or without Anel, would be the result of Tsipras’ maneuvers to weaken the radical left and even his own party, while also strengthening the political center in Greece. Perhaps a first step back to “normal” political conditions.

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TTIP documents should be published in all official EU languages ​​- FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          The FTA TTIP is controversial in parts of the European population.



After criticism from parliamentarians EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström will continue to publish “detailed and comprehensive reports” about the TTIP negotiations in all official EU languages. This was announced by the Swedish commissioner on Friday in her blog with. The EU Commission had not sent the confidential report on the tenth round of talks with the United States on the transatlantic trade agreements TTIP to the EU member countries, but made open only to officials and politicians in a secure reading room in Brussels.


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had Greens and the Left in the German Bundestag the Commission accused an overreaction. Malmström said there are no new restrictions, “only one report has been designed in a reading room.” The liberal politician added, “German Vice-Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has informed me his thoughts on the transparency of the negotiations for the EU-US Free Trade Agreement, as well as previously President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert. I will speak in the coming days with Federal Minister Gabriel directly. “


The debate on the agreement seem to be stuck “in a fog of confusion,” Malmström wrote further on her blog as a justification for the step. About TTIP has been previously negotiated in ten rounds. The agreement to double standards and tariffs eliminated and created with 800 million consumers is the largest economy in the world. The planned trade pact is controversial because of objections from consumers and environmentalists. The Europeans hope that vertices are for the coming year. While the proponents of the agreement are hoping for additional growth and employment impulses, Critics fear compromising in protection standards, such as social and environmental.




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Free Trade Agreement Gabriel doubted in the realization of TTIP

Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) expressed in the conclusion of the controversial FTA TTIP doubt. It may be that that fails at the end, Gabriel told the Association of German Publishers and Booksellers in Berlin. More

06/19/2015, 14:03 clock | Economy

Greece Athens has it suddenly in a hurry

The negotiators of the institutions amazed: In Greece, it comes at a time ahead with long-delayed reforms. Through the corridors of the ministries in Athens blowing a spirit of harmony.
More Thomas Gutschker

08.09.2015, 17:48 clock | Economy



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Free Trade Agreement

EU wants documents about TTIP negotiations publishing

The" fog of confusion "to thin out. EU Trade Commissioner Malmström will therefore facilitate access to confidential reports from the tenth round of negotiations TTIP. In order to respond to criticism.

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Support for small business: Fairtrade label adorns soon gold jewelry – NEWS



 Friday, 21 August 2015


 Improving working conditions, preventing child labor, promote community projects – these are the goals of Fairtrade initiative for gold jewelry. Even at Christmas, there will be the first certified products from South America.



After coffee and chocolate there should also gold with the Fairtrade label now soon. In time for the holiday shopping season, the club Fairtrade wants to pave the fair trade gold the way into jewelry stores and thus improve working conditions for miners and their families, as club spokeswoman Claudia Brück said.

First, the “mirror” had about the plans the association reported. In jewelry stores in the UK and Switzerland, consumers can buy fairly traded gold According Brück today. In Germany Fair Trade is now negotiating with refineries and jewelers. “We hope that the jewelry then you can already lie under the Christmas tree,” Bruck said.

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The aim of Fair Trade is to improve the very precarious working conditions of miners in small-scale gold mining and to prevent child labor. Central to this are a guaranteed minimum price,

a going beyond Fairtrade premium of $ 2,000 per kilogram of gold, which is intended for community projects such as schools and health centers as well as improving operational workflow, and compliance with safety regulations. The workers were often subjected to hazardous and unsanitary conditions, emphasized the association.

The first Fairtrade producer organizations in small-scale gold sector are located in Peru and Colombia. New projects with organizations in East Africa are currently in the pilot phase, the association reported. “If today says a great jeweler, I want to change, could be the gold make available very quickly,” said Bruck. According to Fairtrade more than 100 million people worldwide are directly or indirectly from the small-scale gold mining depends.




Sentiment in China’s industry as bad as 2009 – Markets nervous – ABC Online

Friday , 08.21.2015, 11:35
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The disappointing news from the China’s economy do not stop: On Friday it became known that the mood of Chinese entrepreneurs has dropped to its lowest level since March 2009.

This is from an important leading indicator for the economy. the country produced, the Chinese business magazine Caixin that presented in a first estimate on Friday. The record low since 2009 leading to nervousness on the markets. Finally, the global economy was at that time after the bankruptcy of investment bank Lehman Brothers in crisis mode. Therefore, the poor performance now prolongeth worried about the state of huge importance for the world economy the country.

According to the data of the purchasing managers’ index of the manufacturing industry went (PMI) in August from 47.8 points the previous month at 47, 1 points back, but analysts had expected a value of 48.2. “The decline is mainly due to the slowing Chinese industrial production, the decline in commodity prices and weak exports,” writes Thu Lan Nguyen, an analyst at Commerzbank.

values ​​above 50 points indicate a growth of the economy while values ​​indicate below the critical mark a decline in economic activity.

“character in the capital markets at storm”

The gloomy mood in the Chinese industry fired again, concerns about weakening growth locomotive China , “This morning, the signs on the capital markets to storm,” said Dirk Gojny, an analyst at the National Bank. Concern about the strength and prospects of the Chinese economy to take now still. The exchanges gave way to new figures from Beijing to greatly. The Japanese Nikkei slumped below the mark of 20, 000 points. The DAX also gave in the morning when had not so strong as investors previously feared.

In the currency market, the China concerns strengthened the Euro. The single currency approached the morning in the meantime the brand of 1.13 US dollars, reaching the highest level since the end of June. Growing worries about China weaken the US dollar, because they are seen as a major stumbling block for a speedy turnaround in interest rates in the US.

Attack the BANK OF NEXT ONE?

Lothar Hessler, an analyst at the bank HSBC Trinkaus, believes that the Chinese central bank will now resort to other measures in order to grab the domestic economy under the arms. After the surprising yuan depreciation over a week ago, is now expected to monetary easing. “The key interest rate is expected to be reduced in the current quarter by 25 basis points to 4.60 percent,” estimates Hessler. A

lowering of interest rates affects supportive to exports because it makes domestic goods abroad cheaper. Many analysts believe that the Chinese central bank had already made the yuan devaluation with the intention to grab the weakening export under the arms.

The Institute of German Economy (IW) in Cologne demanded in addition to the economic and political liberalization in China. “The economic model has reached its growth limit,” it said in an analysis. “There is still only on economic freedom, while it makes no social, political and legal freedoms.” Without this, it would, however, be for the People’s Republic of “impossible” to go the next step of development. “And that also endangers the weak global economy.”

The Chinese growth will likely settle at an average of only five percent, the institute predicted. “For nations such as Germany, which rely on the export of capital goods, which represents a considerable need for adjustment – unless the Chinese government thinks sustainably by”, goes on to say

For weeks GROW investor concerns. ” / p>

A few weeks ago the concerns of investors about China’s economy to grow, because they are not so well developed as previously expected. From January to June, the Chinese economic power had grown in the first half of 2014 by seven percent. However, experts believe that the actual growth has slipped far below this level.

China’s government subjecting the country’s economy even the largest renovation in decades. The country wants to become less dependent on exports and not continue the extended workbench of the world. Instead, innovation is encouraged and a high-tech sector are set up.


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China’s industry is weakening – exchanges continued in descent – Reuters Germany

– Koh Gui Qing and Rene Wagner

Beijing / Berlin (Reuters) – China will send new shockwaves across the global economy: The business of the industry ran in August as bad as the last six and a half years no longer.

The fear of a decline in growth of the second largest after the United States economy was around the world slump, stock prices again. Even oil prices were down significantly. Unsettled show the German consumers. Their buying mood is currently as bad as the last six months is no longer, as they expect a weaker economy in Germany.

The Purchasing Managers’ Index for the Chinese industry fell surprisingly by 0.7 to 47.1 points, the Markit Institute said on Friday its monthly business survey. That left the barometer the sixth consecutive month below the threshold of 50 points, from which a growth is signaled. “The government has expected an upturn in the second half, but it looks like the opposite,” said economist Chester Liaw from research firm Forecast Pte in Singapore. “The economy is likely to continue to weaken.” The company produced as little as four years no longer, while orders shrank both from home and abroad. Therefore, painted bodies. Many markets of the world export champion falter, including emerging markets such as Russia and Brazil. “The data renewed doubts about the global recovery,” said economist Tim Condon of ING Bank.

Investors fear a hard landing of the Chinese economy. In Frankfurt the DAX benchmark index slipped to its lowest level in seven months. In Tokyo, the Nikkei index closed 2.98 percent lower, in Shanghai, the stock market was at times more than four percent. Even oil prices fell because China is the world’s largest energy consumer. “The markets have prices now the worst one,” Herald said Mr van der Linde, chief strategist for Asian equities at HSBC.


The buying mood of the German clouded the face of rising economic risks in China. The People’s Republic has become the fourth largest customer for German goods. The barometer of consumer sentiment in September falling by

0.2 to 9.9 points, such as the Society for Consumer Research (GfK) found during its survey of 2000 consumers. This is the worst value for half a year. The main reason: Consumers rated the economic outlook for the third month in a row bad. “The Grexit-consumer concerns may have been replaced seamlessly by concerns about the Chinese economy,” said BayernLB analyst Stefan Kipar.

In the German economy, the China-weakness is so far not yet arrived, because they can be found on other markets Annual growth. The purchasing managers’ index for the German private sector rose in August by 0.3 to 54.0 points. That is the highest figure in four months. “The German economy has shifted up a gear,” said Markit economist Oliver Kolodseike. So you will no longer put as many employees as one since the late 2011th The partial barometer of the industry even climbed to the highest level in nearly a half years. “In the industrial sector laid the foreign orders from many countries, including Britain and the United States, even as strongly as last year and a half ago,” said Markit. The weak euro, which cheapened goods overseas is likely to have helped.

For the German carmaker, however, the world’s largest car market is changing from a blessing to a curse , In July, sales in China declined after years of boom, according to industry association CAAM by 7.1 percent to 1.5 million vehicles. Prices are in descent. Represents the Volkswagen Group a great deal at stake, for the Wolfsburg-based drive in the People’s Republic of a large part of the profit. VW and Audi subsidiary, in China the undisputed top dog in the luxury segment, a deposited their sales targets. BMW in China slowed production.

The Beijing government aims this year a growth rate of seven per cent , It would be the smallest increase since a quarter century. Recently both the industrial production as well as the investment and retail sales grew less than expected. The central bank is trying to counteract: You had to devalue the national currency Yuan vigorously, making Chinese goods cheaper abroad. Since 11 August, the price declined by three per cent against the dollar after.


After Tsipras cancellation: Left Syriza-wing split from –

Greece has seen quieter summer. No sooner had the third bailout loan after dramatic weeks in the bag, Alexis Tsipras announced on Thursday evening his resignation. The Greeks are to vote again, and fast: On September 20, in a month, wants the left prime minister have a new vote after barely six months in office

First, Tsipras has but with riots in. within its own ranks to fight: In Parliament 25 MPs of the left wing of his Syriza party have formed a separate parliamentary group on Friday morning. Topping “Laiki Enotita” (National Unity) by former Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis. Ex-Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is not part of the split-off group

formation of a government attempt to conservatives

Tsipras’ plan for rapid elections could also from the Nea Dimokratia (ND) are thwarted. Evangelos Meimarakis, Interim Chairman of the Conservative former ruling party since the resignation of former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras wants to exploit the room for maneuver which the Constitution gives him. He received as head of the second largest parliamentary party at midnight the mandate to form a government. You may also use the fascists, it has been speculated in the night on Friday in Athens. But the voices are not enough.

Tsipras had previously resigned. The Greeks should decide on “all that I have done,” the 41-year-old insured thick makeup and ingenuously in his brief televised address on Thursday night, his eyes fixed on the invisible teleprompter where the speech text was.

Forked Syriza

But that’s only half the story. “The government has no majority. No one can ignore,” had Panos Skourletis, the Minister for Energy, Environment and reconstruction, previously given on the day on state television ERT. More than a quarter of the parliamentary faction of Syriza, the reigning leftist Minor party alliance, the Premier failed last allegiance

The credit agreement with the creditors, the new tax hikes and pension cuts, the resumption of privatization -. All the complete opposite of election promises and speeches, with whom the party had stepped before the Greeks and had won their historic election victory in January. Syriza has since split. The early parliamentary election next month Tsipras will bring them to the new

course. So the Greeks must once again go to the polls because the Prime Minister has a problem with his own party. “I want to be completely honest,” Tsipras said the Greeks on Thursday night. “We have not reached the agreement that we wanted.”

transitional government

As 2012 will be a transitional government of civil servants run the country for four weeks. Interim Prime Minister is then the chairman of the Constitutional Court, Vassiliki Thanou-Christofilou. But previously has ND boss Meimarakis three days for soundings. Together with the socialist Pasok and the liberal Civic Movement To Potami he would only 106 votes in the parliament; He could also Tsipras’ right-wing populist coalition partner Anel persuade (Independent Greeks) – which is unlikely – he might have 13 more seats

However, even with the support of the fascists of the Golden Dawn, it would not apply to the majority of. Governance of at least 151 seats rich; possibly for a very improbable also minority government. The fascists are 6.9 percent of the vote and 17 mandates, the third strongest force in parliament, just ahead To Potami (6.1 per cent and also 17 mandates).

fascists could explore

scooping Meimarakis and thereafter did Nikolaos Michaloliakos who is under house arrest head of the fascists, their mandates to form a government fully, but could the election date 20 September to Tsipras wants wiggle. Possibly, even the split of the Syriza “National Unity” received the mandate to form a government.

Polls certify Tsipras despite the spectacular reversals continued popularity. Syriza has been able to count on about 30 percent of the votes or more. As a split in the party would affect the voters, however, is not yet clear. In his televised address Tsipras attacked his internal party opponents. They would undermine the proper first leftist government in Greece, he said. (Markus Bernath, 08/21/2015)


Merkel calls for reliance on Brazil – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          Merkel meets Brazilian President Rousseff



German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has called for the first German-Brazilian intergovernmental consultations in Brasília reliable investment conditions. Trade between the two largest economies in Latin America and Europe as well as the German investments in Brazil could grow further, Merkel said in the Brazilian capital. “German companies are then willing to invest even more in Brazil,” Merkel said.


Matthias Rüb Author: Matthias Rüb, correspondent for Latin America, based in São Paulo

The Chancellor came on Thursday morning with representatives of German companies. From the recession in Brazil also present in the country German companies are affected, especially the German automobile companies, had the 2015 compared to last year suffered sales slumps of more than 20 percent.


The Brazilian government had submitted before Merkel’s visit a rescue package for the ailing auto industry in the country with a capacity of around 805 million euros converted. Benefit from the package also German automakers such as Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes and BMW, operate all the production sites in Brazil and have again invested just in the past few years billion.


The focus of the consultations were in addition to the economic relations of the climate and environmental protection, and cooperation in science and research. The Chancellor stressed the importance of Brazil in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases and to protect forests.


A commitment of Brazil in a significant reduction of emissions before the climate change conference in December in Paris would have convinced the federal government send a signal to Latin American countries and other emerging economies. A national target for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would submit Brazil but only in September, Merkel said.


The Chancellor said the efforts of the Brazilian government well to advance the stalled negotiations on a free trade agreement between the EU and the South American confederation Mercosur. It is desirable that some countries of the two alliances States taken the path to the free exchange of goods and services at different rates.




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Merkel calls for reliability of Brazil

From Matthias Rüb, Brasília

Chancellor Merkel has made strongly for open trade with South America in Brazil. For criticizing Merkel to the investment conditions in the crisis-ridden country.

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