Monday, April 4, 2016

Tesla Model 3 with 100,000 orders: The Middle Class Power Auto – RP ONLINE

Los Angeles. For the new Tesla 3 are more than 100,000 orders. The data of the new car are impressive: The range is 350 kilometers, in six seconds, the car accelerates to 100 kilometers. But Tesla threatens the same fate as Apple By Reinhard Kovalevsky


A good show is all the technology-loving America. There tequila for the guests, mostly former customers are in the design studio of Tesla in Los Angeles, one appears founder and CEO Elon Musk dressed in black on stage: “We have a great product, it will blow you away.” And indeed, then come three Tesla 3 on the stage – the first electric car for the middle class with a price of $ 35,000 (converted 31,000 euros)

share climb to the top

at least the shareholders are satisfied: the paper shot on Friday by almost six percent high – now the company founded in 2003 is worth nearly 27 billion euros, more than half of the market capitalization of the 100 year old BMW Group. Much more important, however, that Tesla brings the whole market moving with the advance. “Hybrid cars were stillborn,” says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, on Autobau specialized business professor from Duisburg, “now copy all the Tesla strategy because pure electric car slowly but can develop an everyday product.”

Interest for newcomers confirms the trend. Around 115,000 interested parties had the Tesla 3 even before the conception ordered against a reservation fee $ 1,000 – including some customers in Dusseldorf. The company now has more than 130,000 reservations – an impressive figure because Tesla with more than twice as expensive Model S after several years until sales reached the mark of 100,000 cars in December. And does the new model halfway convincing grades: The range is 350 kilometers, in six seconds, the car accelerates to 100 kilometers, five passengers can, there are five stars in each category American security. And with a quick charger is a free access to the network of charging stations possible, which is increased by the end of next year to 7200 pieces.

Time is running away

Here founder Elon Musk, however, runs several times the time away: in the US, the tax credit of 7,500 dollars per car could be eliminated already in some time. Although the growth of its production runs quickly, but relation to demand he is much too slow: The delivery of larger batches begin until late next year. 2018 could then roll off the assembly line around 50,000 cars. But a production of about half a million units in four years would be quite possible – even that would be only five percent of the delivery of Volkswagen in the year. The five billion dollar battery factory in Nevada with partner Panasonic would be well utilized – also an assembly plant in the Dutch town of Tilburg then come increasingly into the swing


Tesla could however go as Apple: the pioneer invented the iPhone practically the market of smartphones, but meanwhile the rival Samsung is the number far forward

$ 2.5 billion loss .

Tesla has amassed around 2.5 billion dollars in losses, 2020 at the earliest Musk expects profits – further growth is thus not easy to finance. Here the network of charging stations of the carmaker has just expand even more than planned because buyers rarely have differently from the existing luxury clientele a home and a second car with petrol drive, and because the simpler model has 150 km less range, action must be taken. ” / p>

in addition, the competition in the young market is stronger. VW marketed the E-Golf, the at least keep up with the price, but less than 200 km range has. BMW engages with the i3, but allows only 230 kilometer range. As mass production General Motors wants to push the Chevrolet Bolt already this year on the market that has to enter a similar distance at a price as the Tesla. 3 Let there be the “first electric car, the broad reach at an affordable price delivers,” said GM chief Mary Barra would. In Germany, the car Opel Ampera E is hot.

The greatest permanent competitors may be self-propelled electric cars of Google or Apple. Musk sees the danger. That is why the Tesla 3 has a basic configuration for driving on autopilot – only the software is missing. Maybe they will even come from Apple or Google

Source: RP

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