Tuesday, 26 April 2016
The Swift network is the lynchpin of the international monetary transactions. At least $ 81 million, hackers have already captured. Apparently they could longer move undisturbed in the system.
The spectacular hacker attack on the Central Bank of Bangladesh in February was not an isolated case. The international payments composite Swift explained that there had been several incidents in which fraudulent messages were sent over the network. Whether there was actual damage, the company did not say.
In early February had cyber thieves looted $ 81 million from the Central Bank in Bangladesh. Besides they had it at around one billion dollars. That they have not been successful with it, big goals was among others to a typographical error in a transfer that made suspicious bank.
According to experts, hackers have now increasingly in the sights, because there is a substantial compared to the effort higher booty beckons as in cyber attacks on individuals or smaller companies.
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The network Swift (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) According to the hacker attacks were difficult to see. The criminals would have
Swift issued a software update that is directed against a malicious program, which was used in the attack on Bangladesh’s central bank , The malicious program by the name of “evtdiag.exe” reportedly served to cover their tracks by information has been corrupted or lost through the fraudulent transfers. The aim was to cover up the theft until the perpetrators have been stolen money in security.
Swift is the linchpin of the international financial system. The international cooperative of 3,000 institutions located in Brussels. You should ensure that payments go safely and smoothly.

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