A little fresh it is in Hannover, but at least the sun is shining now and then through the clouds and warms the crowd. 40,000, perhaps 50,000 people in the heart of the city. Many red flags, some even show again the Che Guevara’s likeness; green balloons to it; a bit Pirate Orange, Greenpeace drums. Attac declaimed; even a delegation of the VW works council in Wolfsburg has come
They also demonstrated the day before the visit to Germany of the US president against TTIP. So against – as it actually see all here – lowering of European environmental and social standards for the greater profit of international companies. Evil free trade, evil Merkel, evil Obama, Monsanto evil, evil Sigmar Gabriel, evil corporations. In this respect there is agreement here. Evil VW stands against it anywhere, maybe the IG Metall would have otherwise demonstrated against himself. We do not know.
but so are all there that one suspects on such a large demonstration that is not organized by any AFD-Pegida offshoot, but by a “broad alliance” as always the saying goes, when everything fits between DKP, Socialist German workers ‘Youth and the “Small Farmers’ Association”, gathered somewhere. It looks at Hanover Opernplatz So a bit like earlier on the anti-Castor-demonstration in Lüchow-Dannenberg. All are there all know exactly where it is to go long. “Stop TTIP”
“We want to have the last word”, calls straight Niesco Dubbelboer, the campaign manager of the Dutch anti-TTIP movement, “referendum”. Hanni Gramann Attac castigates the “rules of the rich”, to be enforced by means of TTIP. Christoph Bautz, managing director of the Citizens’ Forum “Campact” of Verden, the scourge critics ever as companies of “Empörungsindustrie”, warns of a “parallel justice” which undermines the rule of law. “We are fighting for democracy!”
Anti Democratic botch
This makes even sense, as in the one small political debate shows, at which the organizers have Greens leader Simone Peter, the left party vice Tobias Pflüger and the head of the Parliamentary left in the SPD parliamentary group, Matthias Miersch gathered. The three are to actually agree that TTIP and Euro-Canadian parallel agreements “Ceta” actually is antidemocratic botch. then
You get however but rather in the hair.
First Miersch reaps a shrill whistling of the other anti-TTIP-demonstrators, because he does not promise that his party actually end up voting against TTIP. What is not really surprising, because such a rejection is more than any lousy poll would mean the end of the party leader and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, avowed TTIP advocates. Right to the point but it is equal to it, between Tobias Pflüger and Simone Peter.
The left wing of the party attributed Greens leader has just loud “Stop TTIP” into microphone spells when the conversation turns to the role of the Greens in the Federal Council in general and the green Stuttgart Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann in particular. The, the Left Pflüger reported with relish, would indeed approve the agreement in the Bundesrat probably and thus break a possible blockade by those countries where mitregierten Green or Left.
In fact, Kretschmann is not proven TTIP opponents. But on the contrary. He would find it,
Largest demonstration in Hanover in recent city history
On stage, however, are Simone Peter just slipped the mouth one floor below. They think it would be “unfair” that the Left Party is abusing her appearance for populism, scolds the party leader, but like then a negative attitude of all provincial governments with green investment but do not guarantee. Nevertheless, the “policy position” of the party to TTIP was very clear. Great applause receives Simone Peter not for its somewhat awkward appearance. The presenters finally ask to leave at least finish the representatives of the parties.
The scandal, the otherwise so harmonious unanimous for a brief moment in the atmosphere loomed this protest day, is nevertheless avoided. A little later, the largest demonstration sets in the recent Hanoverian town history in motion, how it expresses Campact spokesman Bautz, “to spoil the appetite” to TTIP chief negotiators Angela Merkel and Barack Obama in advance of their meeting.
In fact, both the Chancellor and the President as well as the EU’s chief negotiator for TTIP, the Swede Cecilia Malmström have made on this Saturday again advertise the FTA , TTIP offer the participants the opportunity to define most existing commercial standards, Merkel said in her weekly video message. Let there be for other parts of the world “very, very difficult to be” permanently lag behind the standards, who want the EU and the US put together.
EU finds German Free Trade skepticism strange
Obama, who is expected this Sunday afternoon in Hannover, said in an interview with the “Bild” newspaper: “one of the best ways to promote growth and create jobs, is the transatlantic trade and investment partnership “. It is expected that the President pronounce in his two speeches that he wants to hold on Sunday and Monday at the Hannover Fair for an early signing of the agreement.
Surprised at the Hanoverian Giant demo shows on this day EU trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. “Frankly,” said the Swede, “I find it a little strange that the greatest resistance to the TTIP agreement comes just from Germany, an economically very successful country.”
There trap her “not easy to understand the anxiety in Germany” and they hope it succeed Merkel and Obama in the next two days, ” the German public to explain why this agreement is so important and there is no cause for fear. ” In Hanover Opernplatz such an attempt would, however, completely hopeless.

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