Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Conversion failed ?: Expert: Puncture Airport BER will never go into operation – ABC Online

Tuesday, 04.26.2016, 19:01
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An opening the new capital airport end of 2017 is still uncertain. Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller emphasized recently Although he sticking to the timetable, but he had received no guarantees from the operators that this may in fact be respected.

an airport planners but assumes that the margins project BER is not only significantly later than planned, but no longer completed. “The operated for four years remodeling the fire protection system at BER will prevent the opening of the new airport”, expert Dieter Faulenbach said da Costa of “Berliner Morgenpost”.

Faulenbach da Costa, who until 1999 even in the planning the mammoth project was involved, explained that before had been completed and tested, the already approved systems of smoke extraction, again requiring a permit modifications were made.

It has happened, what must never happen under construction

According to the airport planners had happened to it, which should never happen under construction. An integrated system architecture can not be guaranteed due to this approach, he told the newspaper. However, this is crucial for the proper functioning of the much-discussed fire Anschlage.

Despite such skepticism keeps Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller on one opening of the airport end of 2017, at the latest in January 2018 fixed. The original opening year dates back to 2011th After numerous errors in planning and construction of the date for the

opening was repeatedly delayed backward

In the video:. German Railways sued BER airport company to 70 million euros in damages

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