Saturday, April 30, 2016

VW scandal in news ticker: Winterkorn receives 29 million Euro Pension – ABC Online

Updated Saturday, 04.30.2016, 10:43
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VW manipulated world measurement data at eleven million vehicles in Germany alone, the Group must recall 2.4 million diesel cars. The leadership of the group knew well before the manipulations in the United States, as initially added

The facts:. Volkswagen has begun prepare the callbacks in the exhaust affair. On some models, the action should, however, still slow – about the Passat (12.4 / 13:48). There is also controversy over the management bonuses. The board wants to keep the premium. The state of Lower Saxony tried to stop the bonus payments. (10.4 / 11.4). Other problems threaten the American FBI: The Authority asserts Volkswagen already lied in 2013 about emissions. (3 April / 1915 hours)

Winterkorn’s pension King within the VW Group – EUR 29 million pension

Saturday, April 30th, 10:39: the boards in the VW group received in addition to their million-salaries even big additional benefits for retirement – as top managers of other companies also. During the annual payments from the active time of the board members but are often in the public criticism, but the pension benefits are hand barely in focus. But the have it all: The VW group has for retired members of the Board with Stand 2015 almost a quarter of a billion euros set aside (243 million euros), as the most recent balance sheet identifies

But the board for. who resigned because of the scandal diesel Group boss Martin Winterkorn had the end of 2015 a cash value of 28.6 million euros. The “Mirror” reported in its latest edition that Volkswagen’s board members as much inns like no other DAX companies guarantee. According to the Hamburg magazine are among the ten managers with the highest pension commitments in the German stock-Oberliga Dax equal six representatives of the VW Group

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