Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Loans: loans to companies attracts – Handelsblatt

skyline of Frankfurt

the flood of money the European Central Bank has an impact. Lending to companies is energized.

(Photo: AP)

Frankfurt Geldhäuser awarded in March 1.1 percent more loans to the financial sector counting company than a year ago, said the European Central Bank (ECB) on Wednesday in Frankfurt. Thus, the growth falls slightly more than in February, when it was 1.0 percent. At private households in the euro zone, the Institute awarded in March 1.6 percent more loans.

“The credit impulse to the economy fell in the first quarter as a whole clearly positive,” said BayernLB economist Johannes Mayr the payment. For the ECB now ask the question whether this development is sustainable. According to the experts, the decisions of the Federal Reserve show on Ratsitzung in March that it is still uncertain. The ECB had then further cut interest rates. They also appointed a number super cheap long-term loans for banks with which the lending to the economy should be additionally stimulated. Also, the bond-buying program was again increased

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the Bundestag apparently seeks dialogue with the top European central bankers: the European Committee is reportedly planning a joint meeting with the ECB chief, in which it will explain its low interest rate policy. more …

the ECB and the national central banks acquire since March 2015 a large scale government bonds. The overall program is designed to 1.74 trillion euros. With the purchases, the bond market for banks to be unattractive. They are then rather lend more, as the hope of the ECB. That should push the economy and drive the low to the view of the ECB inflation upwards.

Especially vigorously fell in March, the rise in consumer loans, with an increase of 5.0 percent. For loans for house purchase, the increase was 2.3 percent.

The key for the currency community M3 increased in March by 5.0 percent. Experts had expected an increase in this amount. M3 includes, cash, current accounts, short-term money market paper and debt securities up to two years duration.


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