Friday, April 29, 2016

Apple: Investor Carl Icahn sold all his Apple shares – ABC Online

Friday, 04.29.2016, 15:08
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Apple made last talk with surprisingly poor figures of herself. Now a first investor pulls the ripcord: billionaire Carl Icahn has informed to have all his Apple shares sold. Here it combines a thoroughly controversial history with the group.

The well-known as an aggressive investor billionaire Carl Icahn has separated from his Apple-participation. The reason is mainly the concern about the business of iPhone Group in China was, Icahn said in the television channel CNBC.

The authorities could “intervene and make it very difficult for Apple to sell them” he explained. Recently it became known that the film and e-book offer from Apple in China has been blocked. The government made a total clear that she wanted stronger action against Western influence.

The Chinese market has become increasingly important for Apple, the company makes there now about a quarter of its business. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced recently that he would also regardless of the current economic turmoil in China not to reduce investments there. The situation there is more stable than had been feared, he said.

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With Apple shares two billion dollars earned

Icahn had together bought Apple papers worth several billion dollars and made on the consolidated print, shareholder more involved through share buybacks and dividends to the billions in profits. Apple increased over several

years, distributions this week by $ 50 billion to a total of 250 billion dollars. Icahn said he had earned on the Apple shares about two billion dollars.

Icahn had announced the joining Apple in August 2013. Late last year he held shares worth about five billion dollars.

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The shares lost a quarter of its value

The 80-year-old Icahn is notorious for the procedure to buy their way in companies and then distributions or destruction to demand. He considers Apple continues on a "great company", which would well-run by Cook, and he could imagine a future re-entry, Icahn said now CNBC.

He had previously always said, Apple is in the stock market undervalued. The share lost in the last twelve months because of concern among investors about the future growth over a quarter of its value. Apple is worth in the stock market currently well $ 490 billion - while the Group alone has cash reserves of $ 233 billion

This is a picture of how evolved the power of Apple in just 10 years. has


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