Friday, April 22, 2016

Dobrindt-Pk Ticker protocol: Transport Minister: All cars tested … – ABC Online

Updated Friday, 04.22.2016, 19:09
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For months the Federal Ministry of transport test emissions. Now seeps through: More 630,000 diesel vehicles have to be recalled. In Berlin, Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt the results before.

The Federal Ministry of Transport doubted therefore in 22 of 53 examined diesel car models that the emission is running properly. This emerges from a corresponding report to final measurements, the Dobrindt (CSU) introduced. Among the manufacturers of 22 types of vehicles include all German carmaker up on BMW.

The main messages today’s press conference Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt , see below Ticker protocol.

It is true that in the exhaust gases of diesel cars BMW examiners found their road tests nitric oxide levels, which differed significantly from the results on the test bench. However, such vehicles are estimated by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) in a group of cars, in which the down-regulation of emission reduction at certain temperatures with a can declare “component protection”.

Affected following manufacturers:

Audi: 65 700 cars (models Q5, A6, A8)

Mercedes: 247 000 cars ( A-, B-, CLA, GLA-class and V models)

Opel: 90,000 cars (Insignia, Zafira, Cascada)

Porsche: 33 000 cars (Macan)

VW Nutzfahrzeuge: 194 000 cars (Crafter, Amarok)

It is also expected callbacks followed by foreign manufacturers. Overall, showed vehicles from 17 manufacturers abnormalities

Audi A6 achieved seven times the limit

One of the vehicles in which the argument “component protection” is not sufficient to explain the deviations according Dobrindt include, inter alia, an Audi A6 V6 (Euro 5). During a road test with this car the nitrogen oxide value was reported to report about is seven times the limit.

From September 2017 mobile measurements in the EU regulation. However, the vehicles then the limits for a transitional period, with measurements on the road even more than twice exceed.

If tricked even with Renault engines?

15:48 : the software update at Daimler suggests that even with Renault engines not everything is above board, because the Stuttgart carmaker refers the 1.5 liter engine of the type OM 607 from there. . Renault has so far not commented on the situation

Daimler announces engine updates at A-, B-, C- and V-Class

15:48 After Porsche is also the automaker Daimler has expressed to arranged recall – the in Stuttgart is not to say that. “Our cars have been certified and approved according to the legislation in force,” said a Daimler-Sprecher.Es therefore handle is not a recall, “but a voluntary reduce the emissions following vehicle models”.

Specifically, Daimler will make a software update for the engine type OM 607, which the Group of Renault relates. This 1.5 liter engine is used since 2012 in the A-Class (model designation W 176), B-Class (W 246) and the Citan (W 415). In addition, Daimler will make a software update for the V-class.

"We will achieve a significant improvement in emissions during the year." Daimler spokesman adds. "We have the capacity also in close coordination with the Federal

Motor Transport Authority and will in due time inform.

The main Dobrindt statements Ticker protocol

is your car too warm? The scandalous results of the new emissions tests


A motor turned at 17 degrees outside in cold start mode

15:48: The press conference is over

15:47 "There is a case where the thermal window is activated at 17 degrees," says Dobrindt. Meaning: Starting at 17 degrees was reduced here the exhaust gas purification. Ahead was reported that this had been the case with Opel

15:45 . "The commission of inquiry will remain," said Dobrindt. . Are also future indications conceivable in terms of exhaust manipulations, then we'll investigate further

All tested car brands have breaking devices

15:41: How many cars would recall Renault, Dobrindt can not say yet. Apparently actually have all of the tested car brands applied breaking devices for emission at specific temperatures: "We have, thermo windows found in all vehicles that we have found," he says

15:35:. If affected German motorists will receive an indemnity of 5000 dollars, as this shall be the case in the US soon? Dobrindt dodges. He did not sure if the negotiation results are already ripe, so his non-answer. Instead, he put off the Germans: Available soon will be assured the customer that he owned the car in the form in which it was promised in the sale

15:31:. to a clear condemnation of the alleged manipulation of the car manufacturer does not want to get carried the Minister. It refers instead to the fact that Euro 6 vehicles have made great environmental progress compared to its predecessors.

Many other auto brands were noticeable in Tests

15:26: Apparently almost all brands are at least suspected of having also been used unauthorized techniques. Dobrindt called in the critical group two also Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, Dacia, Fiat, Hyundai and Nissan

15:23:. We have discussed with the manufacturers, whether the thermal window which in measure should be used as they are done. . The fact that the breaking devices would be used for emission control at certain temperatures to this extent, the Federal Ministry of Transport was not previously known

Dobrindt announces unannounced inspections "drug testing"

15:18 pM: When in doubt, the KBA will also carry out measurements on the road. In addition, you prepare so-called "doping test on vehicles in front, which is the KBA conduct unannounced own testing," explained the Minister

15:17:. Dobrindt wants a new scandal of this kind necessarily avoid and announces measures. As an immediate measure to avoid such targeted shutdown the KBA will require before granting approval now a statement from the automaker. It must be shown that the motor protection devices are used - and if so, why

Also Fiat vehicles striking

15:14:. The manufacturers European rules widely interpreted. Permissible motor protection devices must be able to distinguish them from illegal shutdown clearer calls Dobrindt

15:12:. We have divided the vehicles into three different groups. In the worst, the group 3, falling only VW vehicles in which an illegal shutdown for diesel engines of generation EA was 189 already noted, so Dobrindt. In group two which must be verified

15:08:. Even Fiat seems to be affected. "The commission of inquiry is here a reference by which the undertaking Bosch informed the KBA," says Dobrindt. It will now give appropriate tests

Audi, Mercedes, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen are voluntarily recalling cars

15.05:. Audi, Mercedes, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen will make due to the shortcomings a voluntary recall in the context of service actions that will affect 630,000 vehicles in Europe. There is identical announcements example of Renault towards the commission of inquiry. Since these are resident abroad

if the whole complicated

doubts about whether all the techniques were still legal 15:03. The KBA have the relevant diesel vehicles also recorded other brands as VW in its field investigations. It was about improper shutdown. It was identified no vehicle that a similar identifier used as VW have used them. problems have been identified other technical process, which began the producers, so Dobrindt. This involves switching off devices for emission control at certain temperatures. Some cars doubts arose whether those measures were lawful

15:02:. "We have the inspection Volkswagen used a few months ago," says Dobrindt. Now we have the result report

Federal Motor Vehicle Office manufacturers apparently not prompted to recall

14:50:. The Federal Motor Vehicle Office may recall of 630,000 cars not confirm because of exhaust problems. Spokesman Stephan bees told FOCUS Online, the Federal Motor Vehicle Office had no knowledge of the content of the report, the Dobrindt will present today at 15 o'clock. It therefore does not know how many vehicles are affected. The question of whether the Federal Office has already asked manufacturers to recall, bees could not answer - "because we do not know the report," the Sprecher.

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Porsche: Voluntary Service action for diesel Macan

14:43: Ahead of Dobrindt press conference Porsche admits against FOCUS Online "voluntary service action" for the Macan diesel one. This model was one of the 60 vehicles that could check the Department of Transportation. According to Porsche it is not to call back. The workshop will only play a software update.
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