Berlin Federal government and automotive industries want to move the Germans with a bonus of 4,000 euros for the purchase of electric vehicles.
Then agreed mutually in several hours of top-level talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel in the early hours of Wednesday. Apply to the purchase incentive from May. Thus, the comparatively expensive electric cars should be cheaper and more attractive. Whether the goal of one million electric cars by 2020 can be achieved thereby, rated Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel but skeptical: “We’ll see.” From business, politics and science it rained but criticism. “The premium for electric cars I think is a big mistake,” said the head of the Munich Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), Clemens Fuest, told Reuters.
The competent Minister of the Federal Government, especially Gabriel, defended the concept. It is not a subsidy for the auto companies, of which achieve several billions in profits. Rather one wants to help with the electric-drive technology to a breakthrough Mark who decide to whether the German car industry’s global leadership in the future will be able to keep. Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt keeps promoting necessary so that Germany is the leading market for promising auto technologies. The automobile association VDA called the funding a right course. “It’s not a permanent support of electromobility, it comes to a start pulse,” President Matthias Wissmann said.
THE UNION ATTACKS WITH A BILLION EURO DEEP IN THE CHECKOUT Total , the federal government, according to Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble in the next few years a billion euros in the hand to promote electromobility. From this sum to 600 million euros will be spent on the purchase of premium, additional EUR 600 million coming from the industry. If a customer buys an electric car, he should receive 4000 Euro grant based on the list price. If he opts for a hybrid car with external load, a so-called plug-in hybrid, it receives 3,000 euro bonus. If the premiums Total exhausted of 1.2 billion euros, he gets nothing. The same goes for e-cars with a list price of more than 60,000 euros. Gives a single automaker from its own checkout no premium, pays not even the state. could be added to this incentive by Schäuble’s words – but that is not yet certain – a higher vehicle tax breaks for electric cars.
is supplemented stimulus package through the expansion of electricity charging stations for electric cars that the federal government around himself wants to cost 300 million euros. In addition, the Federal Government intends, starting already this year fit, 20 percent of new purchases of cars for its fleet with electric cars. Overall, the call premium and other support measures should ensure that the proportion of electric and plug-in hybrid currently rocketing cars from under 50,000 to over 500,000 in the next few years. The goal of one million electric cars on German roads, the government has not officially given up, but is more skeptical than ever.
the main reason for the government funding Gabriel called the pending changes in the industry. “The car is now reinvented.” The key technologies – these included electric drive, but also the development of new types of batteries – would have to be maintained and promoted in the country. Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt identified promotion needed to make Germany the leading market for electric mobility, which was not yet succeeded. Schäuble, the always skeptical about purchasing premium as an instrument, admitted that he had entered into a compromise. He spoke of a “reasonable outcome”.
However, it rained criticism: “A premium boosts short sales, but is not sustainable,” said the head of the auto supplier Bosch, Volkmar Denner. The economy Christoph Schmidt spoke of entrainment effects. “Actually, the automotive industry is itself in the obligation to make the customers better deals.” In the end, however, the premium is likely the e-cars still give a boost. And Ifo chief Fuest stressed that “600 million tax dollars would be better invested in the research and development of new environmental technologies.” The automobile club ADAC dampened plated hopes: “The car costs the E models, despite the announced purchase premiums but mostly still more expensive than comparable diesel or petrol.” Green Party leader Anton Hofreiter spoke of “piecemeal”, with which the government does not achieve the transition to a modern transport policy.

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