Given the immense cost of gas scandal has Volkswagen cope with the biggest loss of his group’s history. Last year, the result was the bottom line with minus 1.6 billion euros heavily in the red. This was announced by the carmaker on Friday after a meeting of the Supervisory Board.
2014 was still a gain of almost eleven billion euros in the books. The operating result fell from EUR 12.7 billion in 2014 to minus 4.1 billion. Without the cost of the exhaust affair earnings from operations would be increased slightly. Revenues from Europe’s biggest carmaker rose by 5.4 percent to 213 billion euros.
In the now quantifiable provisions would Volkswagen reported a successful year, explained CEO Matthias Müller: “in the core business, Volkswagen is dazzling there.”
for the effects of diesel scandal, the Group has on its balance sheet in 2015 16.2 Reset billion euros. Thus, the buffer for the previously estimated cost of the diesel crisis rises already made provisions in the third quarter again by almost ten billion euros.
Last it had in 1993, where a loss, when VW also was in crisis: 1.94 billion German marks, ie the equivalent of around one billion euros. Further losses in the 80s and 70s were far less.
bonuses cuts and mini Dividend
for controversial issue special payments for the Management Board announced VW that the bonuses are cut by 30 percent. This was announced by Prime Minister of Lower Stephan Weil (SPD) with a press conference of the VW supervisory board.
However, the money will not be deleted – but only shelved. The money will but converted and parked in shares, so since further. After three years would be considered as the share price has developed. Deck of a quarter to the most recent level, get paid the money, he was lying about there even back correspondingly more money. . Only when the parity was among them, the affected directors would not get the money
Not surprisingly, therefore, breaks the dividend model: The Group plans for 2015 for each his voting preference shares pay out only 0.17 euros. For 2014, still the record level of 4.86 euros flowed. Thus, the decrease was more than 96 percent
For the voting VW ordinary shares are accordingly EUR 0.11 flow. (Previously: EUR 4.80) , Preferred shareholders receive more dividend – usually six cents – because they have no voting rights
For Lower Saxony, ie, for example, that time only 6,. account for 5 million euros to the second largest shareholder in Volkswagen. A year ago, the country had already collected around EUR 285 million dividend. The imminent end of June meeting must still approve the dividend proposal by Friday. This is considered safe because the Porsche and Piëch families hold as major shareholders the majority.
moved Interim Report to blame
Volkswagen had tampered with an illegal software exhaust test on diesel vehicles. It was about values of harmful nitrogen oxide. This had plunged the group into a serious crisis. Worldwide affected eleven million vehicles. VW may not only require the high provisions in the balance sheet nor immense risks due to penalties and lawsuits in billions.
The announced for the end of April Interim Report for blame shifting VW meanwhile on undefined time. The delay was linked to “unacceptable risks” for
VW is also concerned that a publication of the first results could influence the further investigation – because, for example, respondents could focus their statements on the contents of the interim report. “In the interest of the company” p16 see Management and Supervisory Boards therefore “forced” to take note of the announcement of the interim results distance.
Dax is after
Shortly after the VW supervisory board meeting of the Dax gave on Friday to clear. The German index fell until the afternoon by 0.42 percent to 10,391.70 points. The day before, the DAX was however climbed to the highest level since the beginning of the year. an increase of more than three percent still is to book for the previous week course.
The index of medium-sized values MDax gave on Friday at 0.19 percent while the technology index TecDAX by 0.05 percent to 1655.53 points to 20441.47 points after. For the euro zone benchmark index Euro Stoxx 50 it went moderately down.
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