Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4000 Euro purchase premium: government subsidy for electric cars comes from May – ABC Online

Wednesday, 04.27.2016, 13:53
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It was long wrestled, now it should go quickly: in just a few weeks to controversial purchase premiums come to bring the sluggish demand for electric cars in Germany finally going

<. p> buyers of electric cars already received from the next month to a grant of up to 4000 euros. Following an agreement with the German car industry, the purchase premiums would start from the date of the planned for May Cabinet decision, said German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) in Berlin on Wednesday.

3000 euros for hybrid

the promotion has a limited term until 2019 at the latest, the funds would be but hopefully depleted long ago. “Who comes first, gets the promotion,” Schaeuble said. If the sum of 1.2 billion euros was exhausted, end the premium.

The purchase grants should be 4000 euros for pure electric cars and 3,000 euros for hybrids with rechargeable battery plus engine. Here, the basic model must not be more expensive than 60,000 euros at list prices. will be funded the premium equally by the federal government and by the industry, as agreed on Tuesday evening at a meeting in the Chancellery with industry representatives

where. A customer gets only a bonus if its manufacturer also involved in the agreed financing half. Daimler, Volkswagen and BMW said this according to government at the “Auto Summit” already.

Actuator type “mass market” make

To support program and the construction of 15,000 heard new charging points throughout the country, as transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) said. You will create around also at supermarkets or sports fields. For this is the covenant from 2017 to 2020

approximately 300 million euros.

Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) said that the agreed measures hope you to increase the number of electric cars on the threshold of 500,000. The goal is to show on the home market, that “mass market” doing the driving form of dominant and target. In Germany must more research and industrial manufacturing of future batteries will be retrieved.

VDA welcomes switch position

The government has spent the goal that by 2020 one million electric cars in the country will be on the road , At the beginning but still only 25 500 E-cars and 130,000 hybrids were approved – at 45 million cars in total. The main challenges for the development of electric vehicles, the relatively high price of the vehicles, the short range and insufficient charging station infrastructure apply.

Environmental groups criticize the multibillion dollar subsidies for the car industry, which in the spotlight because of the exhaust affair to stand. Also in the red-black coalition – particularly in the Union – there are reservations direct Kaufzuschüsse.

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The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) welcomed the turnout position. Car buyers who have not yet been decided for unsafe conditions for an E-model, could now plan

In the video:. Scientists develop accidentally battery that lasts much longer

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