Thursday, April 28, 2016

Labor market: unemployment is falling in the north to less than 100 000 – FOCUS Online

Thursday , 04.28.2016, 11:12
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The spring revival in the labor market in the north continues: for the first time this year, the unemployment between north and Baltic Seas in April dropped to below 100 000th And there are many more jobs than last year.

The number of unemployed in Schleswig-Holstein has declined sharply in April. Compared with March 4500 jobseekers were less reported, as the North Regional Directorate of Employment Agency announced in Kiel on Thursday. This was a decrease of 4.5 percent to 96 700. Margit main Koopmann, Head of the Regional Directorate, said the number of unemployed has dropped for the first time this year below 100 000th The demand for additional labor continued unabated.

The unemployment rate fell in April to 6.4 percent, in March, it was still 6.7 percent. Even compared to April 2015 was the rate back – by 0.2 percent, which were 1300 fewer unemployed. “The labor market in Schleswig-Holstein is robust,” said Labour Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD). “The overall positive development in the labor market in Schleswig-Holstein continues.”

Since the beginning of the employment agencies and job centers recorded 25,600 social insurance jobs, 10.0 percent more than the same period last year. “Especially in the health and social services, in the hospitality and construction and in trade offer for jobseekers buying opportunities,” said main Koopmann

The number of social insurance contributions grew yoy vigorously. After this date only present data February by 2.9 percent to 921,100.

in the training market currently come to 8400 applicants remained unplaced 9200 training places available. “The available April figures that we can dispense with any young people. Another reason why I want to encourage young men and women to broaden their perspective and not to focus on each typical female and male professions, “said main Koopmann. “Particularly the retail,

craft and hospitality looking trainees.”

Unemployment among foreigners took against the general trend in the labor market to the north. 15,500 foreigners were registered as unemployed in April, 2500 more than in April last year. 92 percent of the increase resulting from the increased number of refugees.

The integration of refugees with a safe place to live right perspective is to estimate Meyers a central theme in the labor market. The strong demand for labor and the high number of free training places were for good conditions.

Among the circles has in the north continue Stormarn the lowest unemployment rate, currently 3.7 percent (3.8 percent in March). Taillight is Dithmarschen with 7.4 percent (8.0 percent). The lowest rate in the urban districts has Flensburg 9.2 percent (9.6), the highest keel with 10.2 percent (10.4)

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