(Bloomberg) – Volkswagen AG is in worldwide deliveries in the first quarter of Toyota Motor Corp. passed by. A number of production stoppages in the home country threaten the everlasting four years leadership of the Japanese manufacturer in sales.
Global sales of Toyota went in the period from January to March by 2.3 percent to 2.46 million vehicles back, said spokeswoman Kayo Doi on Tuesday by telephone. Volkswagen had reported in April a sales increase of 0.8 percent to 2.5 million vehicles, while sales of General Motors Co. dropped 2.5 percent to 2.36 million.
Toyota, already restricted by a one-week production stoppage in Japanese plants in February, expects a loss of another 80,000 vehicles by closures due to the strongest earthquake to hit Japan since 2011 . the loss of production makes questionable whether Toyota can its position as sales strongest automaker in the world hold a fifth consecutive year. Volkswagen hand holds the middle of the worst crisis in its history wacker – thanks to growth in China and Europe.
“There was an impact on numerous parts, models and works,” said Toyota manager Hiroji Onishi on Sunday to journalists ahead of the auto show in Beijing. “We do everything to get the situation under control and to promote the reconstruction plan.”
Volkswagen increased its unit sales in the first three months of the year by 6.4 per cent in China and 3.5 percent in Western Europe and for the second times within the last twelve months winning a quarter victory over Toyota. However overshadow the 16.2 billion euros, which the company had to defer because of emission scandal, this performance. For in the wake of the scandal to the attention of sales success has shifted to the compliance to fuel efficiency and emissions.
Mitsubishi Motors Corp. had admitted to have manipulated test results and indicated the fuel consumption of its small cars to low last week. Daimler AG examined the emission certification process of its cars after being put out by the US Department of Justice, and the French manufacturer PSA Group, there were searches for suspected fraud.
Toyota left on Monday calling assembly lines again, which had been stopped in southern Japan because of the earthquake on the island of Kyushu. Additional production lines will gradually resume its work by Thursday, it said in a statement on 20 April.
In February, there were interruptions in production in connection with an explosion and a fire in a factory of subsidiary Aichi Steel Corp., which the supply
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