Higher costs for the disposal of radiation waste will pay the federal government – the company reject the deal.
Germany’s power companies to large parts of its nuclear provisions in a fund deposit. A government commission agreed on Wednesday unanimously agreed, corporations appear to entail at least 23.3 billion euros. They are, together with interest, into a fund from which then the complete disposal of the radioactive heritage is to be financed. The company, which should far adhere to the last cent for the disposal must pay only for the dismantling of the nuclear power plants themselves.
The compromise is the result of months of debate in the Commission. You should clarify how can the provisions of corporations secure even in the event that the company split or disappearing completely. The four power companies RWE, Eon, Vattenfall and EnBW have formed for the settlement of the nuclear total of 40 billion euros of provisions. Recently, the economic situation of the company had deteriorated massively, not least because of nuclear power, energy transition.
isThe aim is “the cow that must be milked and wants not to slaughter from the outset,” said the SPD -Politiker Matthias Platzeck, one of the three chairmen of the Commission. At the same time you have the burden not imposed on the taxpayer. “With this result, the German company live,” Platzeck said. Together with the CDU politician Ole von Beust and the Greens, Jürgen Trittin, he headed the Commission.
According to the
accountants estimate the total cost of disposal to 47.5 billion euros. Only just under 20 billion euros of which attributable to the dismantling of the remaining nuclear power plants, which the company continues to settle from the contingency reserve. A separate Gesetzespassus they should commit to decommission the power plants quickly and completely. This would mean that the possibility they initially encapsulate in a concrete shell and demolish until many years later.
The Federal Government has the Commission’s recommendations but now transpose. Corresponding commitments of the Chancellery had been in existence, said the co-chairman von Beust. The unanimous vote speaks for itself. The four groups on the other hand warned in identical declarations before an overburdening. The agreement burdening “the affected power companies over their performance addition.” Nevertheless, the shares of the companies rose on Wednesday.
environmentalists spoke against a “costly indulgences”. The Confederation dismiss the company for an “outrageously low price from the liability for the high-risk business Atom” criticized Greenpeace.

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