Saturday, April 30, 2016

Investitionsbank Berlin: The Berlin leave money – Tagesspiegel

The city is growing 200 000 people have moved in the last five years to Berlin. And they all need housing – affordable especially. The country has the Berlin Investment Bank (IBB) where therefore the order of schemes to promote social housing through loans. But when the implementation is lagging behind again. For example, there is the Familienbaudarlehen that introduced the development bank last year. The Institute will thus assist families with low household income when they buy a condominium. The prerequisite is that their net household income does not exceed a certain threshold. A family of three, for example, for almost a year gets the promotion only if their net household income is below 40 680 euros per year

Already can Berliners apply for the program – but by the end of the IBB has only found a family who wanted to take the funding to complete and could. Out of five million euros, which may be sufficient as housing loans to low-income families, the Bank annually, by 2015 just EUR 200 000 were polled. This is evident from the Annual Report, the IBB published on Friday.

Even with the new construction funding there were initial difficulties

It is not the first time that the institution is struggling to bring funding to the man or the woman. Similar teething problems there were previously in creating favorable rent. The Senate had launched a fund of 320 million euros for two years ago. The idea: investors get particularly good conditions for the mortgage and undertake in return to limit the rents on six to 7.50 euros per square meter.

But because investors come easily to cheap loans even in classical commercial banks, initially wanted to hardly anyone at the promotion: Barely 100 affordable housing could provide Berlin over

the new building fund, 2014. Only when the IBB nachbesserte again in the terms, managed the project: Last year it counted in 1000 affordable housing that could be created by their funding

Still wondering about a few private investors promoting itself to <. / h3>

But even if this is an initial success, there is still pent-up demand. Taken in claim have the development loans for the new date that is mainly municipal housing companies – private investors hold the other hand further back. To them therefore intends to advertise the stronger this year IBB boss Juergen Allerkamp. “We need to achieve greater private participation in the program,” he said on Friday at the annual press conference. He has a style of self-interest. Without the participation of private investors it is unlikely to reach its ambitious goals: In this year he wants to create by encouraging 2500 apartments enjoys rent, 2017 then 3000

But even if it still falls short in some places.: Overall, the IBB is there not bad. Last year she made her business to the next to the property and the Economic Development heard a profit of 78.5 million euros. The majority of them remains in the bank to meet regulatory requirements to more equity. “Left unchecked, we would müsssen restrict our business,” said CFO Sonja Kardorf. For the state of Berlin, the IBB belongs, so only a small profit is the bottom line remains: The Investment Bank comprises the country 6.5 million euros.


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