Thursday, April 21, 2016

Exhaust scandal: VW is reportedly 16.4 billion Euro back – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

VW must take more money in hand than previously thought

the VW group is for information of the news agency dpa because of exhaust scandal on its balance sheet in 2015 around 16.4 billion euros. Thus, the buffer for the previously estimated cost of the diesel crisis rises already made provisions in the third quarter again by almost 10 billion euros, as the dpa learned in the early hours of Friday.

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the automaker had agreed on Thursday with the US authorities on an agreement that would give it air in the American market. At a hearing in federal court in San Francisco, the company has an “agreement in principle” with the authorities and with plaintiffs’ lawyers präsentiert.Die agreement stipulates the holders of 480,000 vehicles exempt if they can, redeem or return to repair their cars want. The group had to already returned € 6.7 billion on its balance sheet as a precaution.

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