Berlin – buyers of electric cars can hope for grants of several thousand euros. Before a meeting of the Federal Government of the German car industry a purchase premium of up to 5000 euros for pure electric cars and 3,000 euros for hybrid vehicles with supplementary combustion engine is under discussion.
As on Monday reported from coalition parties continue, the federal government, however, insists that participated the industry for half of the cost of a purchase premium of approximately EUR 1.2 billion. To what extent this figure is concluded, was uncertain. Decided was initially nothing, it said in Berlin.
The purchase premium could the preparatory considerations According to launch later this year and 2018 to 3000 euros for pure ” Stromer “and 2000 euros be lowered for hybrids. Funded would therefore only E models that cost up to EUR 60 000 list price.
The Federation would provide up to one billion euros in addition. Of this amount, up to 600 million euros to purchase premiums and 300 million euros on expanding the charging network. To finance this would be on the Energy and Climate Fund, as well as the “Handelsblatt” reported.
From the evening meetings with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to a signal would be to promote electric mobility, as Vice-government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said. They did not lie down on it firmly, that all points can be clarified.
At the round include Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU ) and other ministers. The government has spent the goal that by 2020 one million electric cars should be on the road. At the beginning but still only 25 500 E-cars and 130,000 hybrids were approved -. 45 million cars in total
Other elements of a funding package had the heads of factions of Union and SPD detained in the past week. So to pure electric cars – limited to purchases by the end of 2020 – to be exempt from vehicle tax for ten years. If workers their e-car charging in the company, they should not have to pay taxes as a cash benefit. At the federal level is at car purchases for the fleet in 2017 an electric car-share of 20 percent both.
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