Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rates: Verdi strikes down airports lame – ABC Online

Wednesday , 04.27.2016, 09:12
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The union wants more money , the passengers suffer. At German airports wage dispute makes the civil service since the morning often for standstill. The government has no understanding of this step the union.

Tens of thousands of passengers have become quite apparent in the morning, Germany’s largest airports to expand the strikes in the public service. Only at the airport in Frankfurt the trade union Verdi were according to a spokesman previously deleted 392 flights.

A total of eight airports were affected. A shift to the rail was also associated with problems as clear a part of the high-speed railway lines Construction work for delays. Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) condemned the expansion of strikes that hit nationwide, other parts of public life.

In Frankfurt, the delays were limited. Since 8:00 Also the airport fire brigade joined the walkout and laid silently the Northwest runway. “We have enough capacity on the south and the center track,” said a Fraport spokesperson. Without a fire service operations for security reasons is not possible, but for the real thing, there are emergency arrangements.

Also at Cologne / Bonn Airport swirled the recusal of the airport fire brigade the flight schedule mighty confused. Affected were initially 30 passenger flights. Also during the day large parts of the airport workforce in Cologne / Bonn to lay down their work. To date, 103 of 276 planned flights canceled.

In Dusseldorf first 48 of a total of 590 flights were canceled. The extent to which other compounds are still concerned, you can not see yet so far.

At Munich Airport, especially employees of the ground handling and the security company had followed the strike call, said a Verdi spokesman. Actual numbers would be expected during the morning.

At the airports Hanover and Bremen fell 25 airlines. In Hamburg according to the operator a total of 31 departures and 31 arrivals were canceled. At the Berlin airports Tegel and Schönefeld 99 flights have been canceled.

Verdi had called as part of the contract talks Civil Service to the strikes at airports. Union leader Frank Bsirske defended the decision. Meaning of such work stoppages was to speed up collective bargaining, he said the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” (Wednesday). “I hope that this signal is understood and we come to an agreement in the third round on Thursday and Friday.”

In addition to the airports placed in Berlin and other cities on Wednesday, employees of various agencies such as the sanitation, the water works and the Bäderbetriebe work down the.

Federal Interior Minister de Maizière evaluated the extension of strikes in the public service as disproportionate. “For the blacking calculated from major airports and Berlin hospitals there is no good reason. Thus the unions meet only innocent bystanders “, the CDU politician said in a spread on Wednesday release of his authority. This is “the more annoying”, as the existing negotiation process had it offered no reason.

The unions had recently been offered a pay increase of three percent and more concessions. “In one should

speak instead to strike first but,” de Maiziere said. “Spare the citizens and seek solutions with us at the negotiating table,” he urged.

In the trade dispute Verdi asks six percent more money in a year of the contract. The employer – the federal government and municipalities – have offered three percent in wages and salaries for two years. The third round of negotiations will take place on 28 and 29 April held in Potsdam.

Bsirske contested the presentation of the employer that this offer amounts to three percent for two years. Since the three percent would be offered in two stages, each of the two increases until every June should be effective, it amounts to two years beginning with only 1.8 percent. Inflation will, however, in this and next year, taken together amount to two percent.

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