More than one hundred thousand metallers have made on Friday in Germany pressure for a hefty wage increase. Nearly 110,000 workers from almost 400 companies participated until the afternoon of strikes and actions such as the IG Metall announced in Frankfurt. The union is demanding five percent wage increase for one year – employers have been 2.1 per cent for two years
had all seven districts of the IG Metall on. Thursday negotiated in the third round with employers; throughout the union had rejected the offer of the company as too low. With the end of the peace obligation at midnight the first strikes in the industry started with a total of 3.8 million employees.
focus of strikes was Baden-Württemberg, where according to IG Metall involved more than 37,000 employees from 156 companies. In North Rhine-Westphalia therefore followed 17,000 metalheads from 61 companies calling the union to protest strike.
Scattered started rallies on time at 00.00, as the union announced. In total 25,000 employees were protesting “lean supply” of employers at this time against the.
“As long as the employer think that you can put off the performance and commitment of the employees with this provocative offer, we will respond with strikes,” said union president Jörg Hofmann at a rally in front of 3000 employees of the Ford plant in Saarlouis.
Hofmann announced nationwide strikes in the coming days “massive”. The IG Metall explains the high wage demand therefore, wanted to boost demand and ensure sustainable growth and employment.
The chairman of the employers’ association Südwestmetall, Stefan Wolf , criticized the strikes in Baden-Württemberg as “disproportionate and dangerous”. The union had been moved at the negotiating table a millimeter. Wolf called “own constructive suggestions for solutions” IG Metall.
The metal employers in Berlin and Brandenburg demanded “to stop immediately,” the warning strikes. The forecasts for inflation and the development of productivity fell to 2017 “historically low” from. “We can not ignore,” said negotiator Stefan Moschko.
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