Volkswagen According to insiders achieved in the exhaust affair with the US authorities an agreement in principle. am The framework for such an agreement, said two people familiar with the operation on Wednesday. It should be assumed that the German carmaker will offer the responsible US court this Thursday as an option to buy back up to 500,000 diesel vehicles rigged with 2.0-liter engines. Perhaps he would be willing to explain to a repair, as long as the US overseer should give the go-ahead.
“Die Welt” reported, citing negotiation circles, that not all the details of the comparison are governed. Hard am but that each US holder of a VW model that is equipped with an offending software, should receive $ 5,000 compensation. Separately, must VW bear the cost of the conversion of the respective cars. In the United States runs this Thursday from a deadline by which Volkswagen has agreed with the authorities. Should a compromise with the authorities fail, threatening in the summer a process.
At VW, meanwhile, is distinguished from a delay in the investigation by the US law firm Jones Day. According to current planning, the results should be presented on April 28 in the second half of April, before the VW annual press conference. Well, it looks for a date in May. Jones Day studied who had at what time aware of the manipulation.
This Friday will meet the board of VW. The Management Board Chairman Matthias Müller will finally close the issue bonuses for board members. Up to four-fifths of millions salaries of board members consist of bonuses together, and the directors refuse to completely forgo the money. The latest news doing the VW share well, which was on Wednesday with an increase of six percent at the top of the DAX
Meanwhile, a long time discussed in the car scene suspicions confirmed. Not only the VW has in diesel engines, the exhaust values manipulated, but also the Japanese carmaker Mitsubishi. After admission from Mitsubishi, the Japanese Transport Ministry conducted a raid at a factory of the car manufacturer. Before an impending punishment of the group the government to invest in the province of Aichi wanted first investigate how the Group schönte the data for very small cars, reported Japanese media on Thursday. At Mitsubishi affected by the manipulations 625,000 cars for the Japanese market; 468,000 of them were built for Nissan. Data used in consumption tests had been manipulated, Mitsubishi Motors said. Affected are subcompact cars whose engines have a capacity of a maximum of 660 cubic centimeters and no wider than 1.50 meters are.
from Nissan made consumption tests had deviated from the data, the Mitsubishi Motors have presented to the authorities, admitted Mitsubishi boss Aikawa. The discrepancy was probably be about five to ten percent. The consumption of the cars would be in correct behavior by five to ten percent was higher than Mitsubishi had indicated.
Production and sales of the cars were stopped. Given the severity of the incident they would be investigating products that have been produced for foreign markets, Mitsubishi Motors announced on with. In Germany, no cars are affected by things stand.
limits in measurements of the Federal Office partly considerably exceeded
But in other corporations excessive levels of pollutants from diesel vehicles have become conspicuous. “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, WDR and NDR reported measurements on behalf of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office had revealed that corporations have their motors constructed so that the pollutant nitrogen oxide is blown unfiltered into the atmosphere at low temperatures. The limits would partially exceeded as a result of many of the more than 50 tested vehicle models by several times.
The investigations ranged according to the report, among other things on Daimler, BMW, Volkswagen, Ford, Opel, Renault, Peugeot and Fiat. The companies have such accusations for some time. They refer to a regulation of the EU, which allows a temporary shutdown of the abatement. This is to prevent damage to the engine at low temperatures. A spokesman for the Environment Ministry said a shutdown would be a “wholly exceptional”. If manufacturers might spawn limit for activating the emission only when ten or 20 degrees, this would not correspond to the rules. ( with dpa, rtr )

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