Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tchibo has inflatable Minion Kevin recall – SPIEGEL ONLINE

This Christmas gift should be returned: Because contaminants Tchibo recalls a game character. “The product ‘Minion Kevin, remote controlled’ unfortunately does not meet our strict quality requirements”, the coffee and retail group announced on its website. That had been found during investigations.

The ARD magazine “Brand Check”, whose program is broadcast via Tchibo on Monday evening, had previously reported on Saturday about the recall and their own research about the contamination. The WDR reporter could investigate in the laboratory a remote-controlled character in the design of the animated film “Minions”. Here high levels of the substance naphthalene were found in the inflatable Kevin-game character.

naphthalene can i.a. cause severe skin and respiratory irritation and is suspected to be carcinogenic. According to laboratory Harmless are naphthalene-values ​​less than

2 mg / kg. The measured value naphthalene in PVC main material of Minions is to ARD specified 74 mg / kg. Also in the roles of the remote-controlled toy a high naphthalene-value of 45 mg / kg was measured.

Tchibo sold the “Minion” -Spielfigur “Kevin” in the Christmas season 2015. says The Hamburg company, due to the request WDR reporter you have also checked a Minion to naphthalene values. The test results led to the decision Tchibo to recall the product.

Customers can return the toy and to get the money refunded. You will be asked to return the complete set.


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