Sunday, April 24, 2016

Circles: agreement on package for electric car promotion is imminent – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

BERLIN (AFX) – That in the grand coalition long controversial package to promote electric cars is as good as done. According to information of the German Press Agency from coalition circles it is still an appointment in the coming week, to be in the discussed issues of the precise nature of the promotion. In the debate were last about temporary exemptions for electric cars from the road tax as well as direct purchasing subsidies.

The “Welt am Sonntag” reported that the government had in the meantime agreed on a broad promotion of electric vehicles , The concept should be announced at the auto summit between the federal government and car managers this Tuesday (April 26). The industry association VDA insisted on rapid planning security.

Last Thursday there had been signals that an agreement after months of struggle is imminent. “The automakers have promised a fair share of the funding,” it said in a paper for the exam of heads of factions of the CDU and SPD in Rust (Baden-Württemberg), the dpa was present.

Thus, it is the beginning of the week also clarity regarding the direct purchase premiums for electric vehicles enter. Recently we had here can not agree – SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann spoke of “regulatory differences”. By contrast, the coalition was widely agreed that a ten-year exemption from road tax and an expansion of the charging network to carry forward the slow start of the e-mobility. From goal to have 2020 one million electric cars on German roads,

About grants for purchase of “Stromer” the federal government is still miles away. Has long been debated. While proponents as Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) to estimate this as helpful, warn skeptics before an artificial stimulus package for high-earning German car industry. “The (electric cars) must prevail without subsidies, competition,” the auto expert Stefan Bratzel told the newspaper.

The industry association VDA is a binding agreement. “We hope it will now quickly gives clarity on the issue, so that customers interested in an electric car, can plan and not delay their purchase”, said federation president Matthias Wissmann dpa. Although German carmakers have about 30 E models on offer, the demand in the domestic market is still small.

At the beginning, according to the Federal Motor Vehicle Office still only 25 500 E-cars and 130,000 hybrid vehicles with battery plus engine were allowed -. with a total stock of 45 million cars “Germany an overall package to promote electric mobility needs,” Wissmann demanded. The cost for the previously

expensive batteries could parallel halbieren./jap/DP/he


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