Sunday, April 24, 2016

Solo 204 folders with investigation files: While Schlecker further Porsche drives … – ABC Online

Sunday, 04.24.2016, 14:02
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Even four years after the Schlecker bankruptcy moves Anton Schlecker with a Porsche in the former headquarters. But the convenience could soon come to an end. 204 folder burden the ex-drug king.

One possible trial of former drug king Anton Schlecker is likely to be lengthy. “We assume that there is a very long process,” Attorney January Holzner said the “Welt am Sonntag”.

According to the Authority is highly complex issues. But the indictment covers According to the paper 270 pages. The Stuttgart Regional Court also therefore exist 204 folders with investigation files. These come at least a dozen volumes of evidence.

Schlecker to have hidden private assets after bankruptcy

The prosecution alleges Anton Schlecker ago, made a lot of money aside from bankruptcy of his drug empire in 36 cases have. In addition, he should have given inaccurate information, inter alia before the insolvency court. In addition to the company patriarch, his wife, his two children and two auditors are accused.

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The Stuttgart Regional Court now examines the charge and will decide whether there is a main method. Also, this could take a long time: "I do not suppose that the court in the near future take a decision", had said a spokeswoman for the German press agency shortly after the indictment. It is quite possible that the Chamber make a decision until next year.

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Schlecker goes further Porsche

Meanwhile, reports inhabitants of Baden-Württemberg town Ehingen that Anton Schlecker still a Porsche driving. This had left him his daughter Meike, reports the "Welt am Sonntag". His own cars, including a Jaguar Double Six, a Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren and Porsche Cayenne have to auction insolvency administrator Arndt Geiwitz. The minimum bid for the Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren was 100,000 euros.

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