Sunday, April 24, 2016

Russian SWFs woos German investors – THE WORLD

Stuttgart – The Russian state investment funds will increasingly compete for German companies. Particularly interesting are technologies related to the digitization of the production – the so-called industry 4.0 – said the head of the Russian State Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev, the German press agency in Stuttgart. He could imagine billion investments together with German companies in Russia.

The Russian Investment Fund According Dmitriev last year, together with partners from the Middle East and Asia eight billion US dollars invested. The Fund helps investors to get involved in the country.

The economic relations between Russia and Germany are currently, however, massively by the sanctions of the West because of the Ukraine- conflict loaded. On the sanctions Russia had responded with counter-sanctions. “The geopolitical situation has improved,” Dmitriyev said now. He demanded a sign of the European Union in terms of easing of sanctions. In June it will be decided at an EU summit on the continuation of sanctions.

Russian Direct Investment Fund

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